英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第198期:第十二章 平衡(10)(在线收听

 Rosalie turned her head, and I was relieved to be free. 罗莎莉转过头,而我如释重负地得到了解脱。

I looked back at Edward—and I knew he could see the confusion and fear that widened my eyes. 我看回爱德华——我知道他能看出在我眼中蔓延的混乱和害怕。
His face was tight as he explained. 他的脸绷紧了,他解释道。
"I'm sorry about that. She's just worried. “我对此感到抱歉。她只是在担心。
You see...it's dangerous for more than just me if, after spending so much time with you so publicly..." 你知道……这很危险,不只是对我一个人来说是这样,如果,在和你如此公开地度过了这么多的时光以后……”
He looked down. 他垂下了头。
"If?" “如果?”
"If this ends... badly." “如果结果……不好。”
He dropped his head into his hands, as he had that night in Port Angeles. 他把头埋在手中,就像他在天使港那晚所做的那样。
His anguish was plain; I yearned to comfort him, but I was at a loss to know how. 他的苦恼再明白不过了。我很想去安慰他,但我很困惑,不知道怎么做。
My hand reached toward him involuntarily; 我的手不知不觉地伸向他,
quickly, though, I dropped it to the table, fearing that my touch would only make things worse. 但很快,我把手收回了桌子底下,害怕着自己的触摸只会让情况更糟。
I realized slowly that his words should frighten me. 我慢慢意识到,他的话本应该吓到我的。
I waited for that fear to come, but all I could seem to feel was an ache for his pain. 我等待着恐惧的降临,但所有我能感受到的,只是对他的痛苦感同身受的心痛。
And frustration—frustration that Rosalie had interrupted whatever he was about to say. 还有沮丧——因为罗莎莉打断了他正要说出的话而沮丧着。
I didn't know how to bring it up again. He still had his head in his hands. 我不知道该怎么重提这个话题。他依然把头埋在手里。
I tried to speak in a normal voice. "And you have to leave now?" 我试图用正常的语气说话:“你现在就得走了吗?”
"Yes." “是的。”
He raised his face; it was serious for a moment, and then his mood shifted and he smiled. 他抬起脸,有一阵他的神情依然很严峻,但随即他的心情改变了,他微笑着说:
"It's probably for the best. “这也许是最好的结果了。
We still have fifteen minutes of that wretched movie left to endure in Biology—I don't think I could take any more." 生物课上我们要看的那部该死的电影还剩十五分钟——我不认为我还能忍受更多的时间。”
I started. 我抬起头。
Alice—her short, inky hair in a halo of spiky disarray around her exquisite, elfin face—was suddenly standing behind his shoulder. 爱丽丝——她短短的黑发乱糟糟地围在她精致如精灵般的面孔周围,像一道光圈——突然站到了他身后。
Her slight frame was willowy, graceful even in absolute stillness. 即使她一动不动地站在那里,她纤细的身材依然显得那么苗条,那么优雅。
He greeted her without looking away from me. "Alice." 他向她打招呼,却没有把目光从我脸上移开。“爱丽丝。”
"Edward," she answered, her high soprano voice almost as attractive as his. “爱德华。”她回应道。她宛如女高音歌手般的声线几乎和他的声音依然有魅力。
"Alice, Bella—Bella, Alice," he introduced us, gesturing casually with his hand, a wry smile on his face. “爱丽丝,这是贝拉——贝拉,这是爱丽丝。”他介绍我们认识,漫不经心地用手打着手势,一个歪扭的笑容浮现在他脸上。
"Hello, Bella." “你好,贝拉。”
Her brilliant obsidian eyes were unreadable, but her smile was friendly. 她明朗如黑曜石的眸子有着难以捉摸的神情,但她的微笑很友好。
"It's nice to finally meet you." “很高兴终于能见到你了。”