【大家说英语】 第200期:珍重再见(在线收听

 Lesson 13 Life 第十三课 生活

June 29 6月29日
Goodbye, Jim 珍重再见
Read it! 读读看!
Jim has big news for Alex. He has a new job. 吉姆有个重大消息要告诉亚力克斯, 他有了一份新工作。
Was Jim promoted? No. 吉姆获得升迁了吗?不是,
He's moving to New York City. 他要搬到纽约市。
Congratulations, Jim! But something is wrong. 吉姆,恭喜!可是事情不太对劲,
Everyone is sad. 大家都很难过,
Maybe they can plan a party for Jim. 说不定他们可以为吉姆规划一场惜别派对。
Maybe Rob and Alex can help Jim pack. 也许罗柏和亚力克斯可以帮忙吉姆打包,
Moving can be hard. 搬家可以是一件很不容易的事情。
Conversation A 会话A
Hi, Alex! Can I talk to you? 嗨,亚力克斯!我可以和你谈谈吗?
Sure, Jim. Are you OK? 好啊,吉姆,你还好吗?
Yes. I have some news. 我很好。我有个消息,
I have a new job. 我有了一份新工作。
Congratulations! Did Carol promote you? 恭喜!卡萝晋升了你的职务吗?
No. My new job is in New York City. 不是,我的新工作在纽约市,
I'm moving to New York. 我要搬去纽约。
Oh, no! Really? 不会吧!真的吗?
You're leaving LTE TV? 你要离开大家说英语电视台了?
Yes. I start my new job in July. 是,我的新工作在七月开始。
Conversation B 会话B
I'm sad, Susie. 苏希,我好难过。
Why? What's wrong, Alex? 为什么?亚力克斯,怎么了?
Jim is moving to New York. 吉姆要搬去纽约了。
I know. I'm sad, too. 是啊,我也很难过。
But his new job sounds great. 可是他的新工作听起来很棒。
When is his last day at LTE TV? 他在电视台要做到哪一天?
His last day is next Friday. 下星期五是他的最后一天上班日。
Maybe we can plan a party for him. 也许我们可以为他办一场惜别派对。
I like that idea! 我喜欢这个主意!
Conversation C 会话C
Jim is leaving. 吉姆要离开了,
I can't believe it. 我真不敢相信。
I know. Alex and I are planning a party for him. 是啊, 亚力克斯和我要为他办一场派对。
Good idea. Can I help? 好主意, 我可以帮忙吗?
Of course! 当然可以!
Thanks. Moving is hard. 谢了。搬家很困难,
Maybe Alex and I can help Jim pack. 也许亚力克斯和我可以帮吉姆打包。
That's a great idea. 这主意太棒了。
I can ask him! 我可以问他!