【大家说英语】 第203期:度假时间(2)(在线收听

 July 2 7月2日

Read it! 读读看!
Alex and Rob won't be visiting Taipei this summer. 亚力克斯和罗柏今年夏天不会去台湾,
Plane tickets are too expensive. 飞机票太贵了,
Even a seat in coach class is expensive! 即便是经济舱座位的价格也很贵!
Taylor finished planning her trip. 泰乐规划完成她的旅程了。
She doesn't need a visa for Mexico. 她去墨西哥不需要签证,
But she does need a passport. 但还是需要带护照。
She hopes hers hasn't expired. 她希望她的护照还没过期。
Susie always travels with two bags. 苏希旅行的时候总是带两件行李。
She puts clothes in her suitcase and her wallet in her backpack. 她把衣服放在行李箱里,皮夹则放在背包里。
Conversation A 会话A
Rob, will you be visiting Taipei this summer? 罗柏,你今年夏天会去台北吗?
No, Alex, I won't be visiting this year. 不会,亚力克斯,我今年不会去。
What about you? 你呢?
No. I have classes this summer. 不会,我今年夏天要上课,
And tickets to Taipei in the summer are expensive. 而且夏天飞台北的机票很贵。
I agree. I checked prices for flights last week. 我也这么觉得。我上礼拜查了班机的票价,
Even a seat in coach class is expensive! 就算是经济舱的座位也很贵!
I know. Travel to Asia is so expensive. 是啊, 到亚洲的机票好贵,
I try to buy tickets on sale. 我都尽量趁特价的时候买。
Me, too. But that's not always possible. 我也是, 可是这样的机会不一定常常有。
Conversation B 会话B
Did you finish planning your trip, Taylor? 泰乐,妳的旅程规划好了吗?
Yes. I bought my ticket yesterday. 规划好了,我昨天买了机票,
I also booked my hotel. 也订了旅馆。
That's great! Do you need a visa to visit Mexico? 太好了!妳去墨西哥需要签证吗?
No. Canadians can visit Mexico without a visa. 不需要,加拿大人去墨西哥不需要签证。
Oh, that's good. Visas can be expensive. 哦,那就好。有的签证费很贵,
Sometimes they cost more than a hundred dollars! 有时候费用超过一百美元呢!
Really? Well, I should also check my passport. 真的吗?对了,我也该检查一下我的护照,
I hope it hasn't expired! 希望还没过期!
Conversation C 会话C
Do you travel with a lot of bags, Rob? 罗柏,你旅行都会带很多行李吗?
Sometimes I do. Why do you ask, Susie? 有时候会。苏希,妳为什么这么问呢?
I always take two bags when I travel. 我旅行的时候总是会带两件行李。
Is one of the bags a backpack? 其中一件是背包吗?
Yes. I carry that on the plane. 对,我都把背包带上飞机。
Me, too. I put my clothes in the suitcase. 我也是。我会把我的衣服放在行李箱里,
Then I keep my wallet and other important things in my backpack. 然后把皮夹和其他重要的东西放在背包里。
That's what I do! 我也是这样!