【大家说英语】 第206期:来吃点好吃的吧!(2)(在线收听

 July 7 7月7日

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It must be 100 degrees outside. 室外的气温一定有华氏一百度那么高。
Abby is hot and wants to get some ice cream. 雅碧很热,想要买些冰淇淋。
Alex wants ice. But he doesn't eat plain ice. 亚力克斯想要冰,可是他不吃白白的冰。
In Taipei, he eats ice with fruit and sweet syrup on it. 在台北,他会吃加了水果和甜甜的糖浆的剉冰,
Alex also likes milkshakes. 亚力克斯还喜欢喝奶昔。
Susie brings them a cold treat─ice pops! 苏希为他们带了好吃的冰品──棒冰!
Abby's favorite flavor is banana. 雅碧最喜欢香蕉口味。
Conversation A 会话A
Hi, Alex. It is so hot today. 嗨,亚力克斯。今天好热,
It must be 100 degrees outside. 外面一定有华氏一百度。
I know, Abby. Maybe you can eat some ice cream. 是啊,雅碧, 说不定妳可以吃点冰淇淋。
I had some ice cream. 我已经吃了些冰淇淋。
Was it hard or soft ice cream? 是桶装冰淇淋还是冰淇淋?
It was hard ice cream. 是桶装冰淇淋。
I like soft ice cream. 我喜欢冰淇淋。
Me, too. But in Taipei, I eat ice more often than ice cream. 我也是。可是在台北,我吃冰的机会还比冰淇淋多。
Conversation B 会话B
You eat just plain ice? Why? 你吃不加料、白白的冰吗?为什么?
Oh, no. The ice has fruit and sweet syrup on it. 不是的,我吃的冰会加上水果和甜甜的糖浆,
It's delicious! 非常美味!
When it's hot, I eat ice cream or have a cold drink. 天气热的时候,我会吃冰淇淋或者喝冷饮。
I like cold drinks. I especially like milkshakes. 我喜欢冷饮, 尤其是奶昔。
At fast food restaurants, I like a soft ice cream dessert. 在快餐餐厅,我喜欢吃冰淇淋,
It has candy and other sweet things mixed into the ice cream. 里面还混有糖果和其他甜食。
Conversation C 会话C
Hi, Alex, Hi, Abby. Aren't you guys hot? 嗨,亚力克斯,嗨,雅碧, 你们不热吗?
Yes! It's too hot! 热啊!太热了!
Alex and I are trying to stay cool. 亚力克斯和我想要保持凉爽。
Yes. We're talking about ice cream and cold drinks. 没错,我们在谈冰淇淋和冷饮。
What about ice pops? 棒冰怎么样?
Ice pops? Yum! I especially love banana ice pops. 棒冰?好吃!我尤其喜欢香蕉口味的棒冰。
Good! Because I have ice pops for everyone! 太好了!因为我为每个人都买了棒冰!
Thanks, Susie. You are really cool! 谢了,苏希,妳真是太棒了!
We can all be cool now! 现在我们大家都可以凉爽一下了!