【大家说英语】 第207期:请帮个忙(在线收听

 Lesson 4 Small Talk 第四课 闲聊

July 8 7月8日
Help! 请帮忙!
Read it! 读读看!
Abby can help Alex call Rob's guests. 雅碧可以帮亚力克斯打电话给罗柏的来宾,
She will check that they know the date and time of their interviews. 她会确认他们知道接受访谈的日期与时间。
Abby can also help Taylor. 雅碧也可以帮助泰乐,
She can pick up everyone's lunch. 她可以去帮大家拿午餐,
That's no problem. 没有问题的,
Now Taylor owes her one. 这下子泰乐欠她一个人情了。
But Susie also asks for some help. 可是苏希也来找她帮忙。
Does Abby have time to type and email a whole report? 雅碧有时间能够把一整篇报导打字出来,再用电子邮件传送出去吗?
Conversation A 会话A
Abby! Are you busy? 雅碧!妳现在忙吗?
I have some time. What do you need, Alex? 我现在有点空, 亚力克斯,你需要什么?
I need to call all of these people before 2:00. 我需要在两点前打电话给这些人,
Can you help me? 妳可以帮我吗?
Sure! I'm happy to help. 好啊!我很乐意帮你忙。
Oh, good. These people will be guests on Rob's show. 那好, 这些人都会是罗柏节目上的来宾。
Why are we calling them? 我们为什么要打电话给他们?
We want to check that they know the date and time of their interview. 我们要确认他们知道自己受访的日期和时间。
Conversation B 会话B
Did you get my order for lunch, Taylor? 泰乐,妳帮我订午餐了吗?
Yes, I did. Actually, I need to talk to you about that. 我订了。其实,我需要跟妳谈谈这件事。
Oh. Is something wrong? 哦,有什么问题吗?
No. But I need your help. 不是,我只是需要妳帮忙。
I don't have time to pick up everyone's lunch today. 我今天没有时间去拿大家的午餐。
I'd love to help. 我愿意帮忙。
Thank you so much! I owe you one. 真是谢谢妳!我欠妳一个人情。
It's no problem. I'm happy to help, Taylor! 不用客气, 泰乐,我很高兴能够帮忙!
Conversation C 会话C
Hi, Abby! Hey, can you help me? 嗨,雅碧!嘿,妳可以帮我吗?
Well ... 这个嘛…
If you're too busy, that's OK. 妳如果太忙也没关系。
No, I'll try to help. 不是啦,我会尽力帮忙。
Are you working here today? 妳今天在这里工作吗?
Yes. I wrote a whole report! 是啊。我写了一整篇报导!
Can you type it and email it to my news team? 妳可以帮我打字出来,然后用电子邮件寄给我的新闻团队吗?
OK. I just need to do some other things first. 好,我只是需要先做一些其他的事情。