【大家说英语】 第212期:在养宠物吗?(2)(在线收听

 July 17 7月17日

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Susie is taking care of a bird. The bird is a parrot. 苏希正在照顾一只鸟, 那是一只鹦鹉。
Abby really likes birds. But she doesn't have one. 雅碧很喜欢鸟儿, 可是她没有养鸟,
They are a lot of work. 养鸟很费工夫,
When she was a child, she had two rats. 她小时候养过两只老鼠。
Alex's parents have a small dog. 亚力克斯的爸妈有一只小型狗,
They live in an apartment, so they don't have much room. 他们住在公寓里,所以空间不大。
Alex wants a pet, too. Someday he will get a kitten. 亚力克斯也想要养宠物, 总有一天他会养一只小猫。
Conversation A 会话A
Hi, Susie. Do you ... 嗨,苏希,妳…
there's a bird on your desk! 妳的桌子上有一只鸟!
Yes, she's a parrot. Her name is Sunny. 是啊,这是一只鹦鹉, 她的名字叫桑妮。
I'm taking care of her for a friend. 我帮我朋友照顾它。
Carol let you bring her to the office? 卡萝让妳把它带到办公室来?
Yes. She was on Rob's show today. 是啊,它今天还上了罗柏的节目。
Can she talk? 它会讲话吗?
Yes, she can. But she won't talk when you want her to! 会, 可是妳要它讲话的时候,它就偏不讲!
I know some people like that! 我认识一些人也是这样!
Conversation B 会话B
Hi, Susie, where's Sunny? 嗨,苏希,桑妮呢?
She's in her cage. 它在笼子里。
I really like birds. I'd love to have a parrot. 我很喜欢鸟。我要是能够养一只鹦鹉,那就太好了。
Why don't you get one? 妳为什么不去买一只?
I read a lot about them. 我阅读了很多有关鹦鹉的事情。
They are a lot of work. I don't have that much time. 养鹦鹉很费工夫, 我没有那么多时间照顾它。
So do you have a different pet? 那你有别的宠物吗?
No. But I had two rats when I was a child. They were fun! 没有,可是我小时候养过两只老鼠, 它们很好玩!
Conversation C 会话C
Do you have any pets, Alex? 亚力克斯,你有养宠物吗?
No. But my parents have a dog. 没有,可是我爸妈养了一条狗。
What kind of dog? 什么样的狗?
It's a small dog. 是一只小型狗,
They live in an apartment. They don't have much room. 他们住在公寓里, 空间不大。
Dogs make good pets, and so do cats. 狗是很好的宠物,猫咪也是。
I like cats. I'd like to get a kitten. 我喜欢猫, 我想养一只小猫。
Now? 现在吗?
No.I don't have time for one now. 不是,我现在没有时间养猫,
But someday I'll get one. 可是总有一天我会养的。