【大家说英语】 第215期:友谊破裂(在线收听

 Lesson 10 Talk About It 第十课 主题讨论

July 22 7月22日
The Broken Friendship 友谊破裂
Neal stared at his phone. 尼尔盯着他的手机看,
He had missed a lot of texts and calls. 他错过了许多简讯和来电,
They were all from his best friend Jesse. 全都是来自他最好的朋友杰西。
Jesse had texted, "Where are you?" and "Are you coming?" 杰西透过简讯问他:“你在哪里?”以及“你要来吗?”
Neal had missed Jesse's birthday party last night. 尼尔错过了杰西昨晚的生日派对。
Someone had given Neal free tickets to a rock concert, so he went to the concert. 有人送尼尔一场摇滚演唱会的免费入场券,所以他就去听了演唱会。
He thought Jesse would understand. 他以为杰西会谅解,
But Jesse was probably upset. 可是杰西大概很恼怒。
Now Neal felt really bad. 这下尼尔觉得很内疚。
The next day, Neal saw Jesse in class. 第二天,尼尔在教室里看见杰西。
Neal tried to talk to him, but Jesse didn't want to listen. 尼尔想和他说话,可是杰西不想听。
Even when Neal apologized, Jesse was still mad. 尼尔虽然道了歉,杰西还是很生气。
"You're so selfish!" Jesse said before walking away. “你真自私!”杰西说完扭头就走。
Jesse wouldn't talk to or answer Neal's phone calls for over a week. 杰西一整个星期都不愿和尼尔说话,也不回复他的来电。
Neal felt terrible about making the wrong choice, but Jesse wouldn't forgive him. 尼尔对于自己做了错误的选择觉得很糟糕很自责,可是杰西不肯原谅他。
Neal apologized again and again, but it didn't help. 尼尔一次又一次的道歉,可是都没有用。
Would Jesse ever forgive Neal? 杰西有可能会原谅尼尔吗?
Neal didn't want to lose their friendship. 尼尔不想失去他们的友谊,
But he didn't know what he could do to fix this problem. 可是他不晓得该如何修补这个问题。
Should he give Jesse a gift or do something nice for him? 他该送杰西一份礼物,还是做什么讨他欢心的事情吗?
Or maybe Neal should wait for Jesse to do something. 也许尼尔应该等杰西做出什么举动,
But Neal was afraid he never would. 可是尼尔怕他永远不会再理他了。
What would you do? 你会怎么做?