【大家说英语】 第217期:喜欢拍照吗?(2)(在线收听

 July 24 7月24日

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Alex is getting into photography. 亚力克斯迷上了摄影。
He took a great action shot of a jumping basketball player. 他拍了一张很棒的动态照片,画面中是一位跃起的篮球员。
Taylor doesn't take many pictures. 泰乐拍的照片不多,
Photography is not her hobby. 摄影不是她的嗜好。
Susie and Abby went for a walk. 苏希和雅碧出外散步,
They saw an eagle in the distance. 她们看见远方有一只老鹰,
Susie tried to take a picture. 苏希想把那只老鹰拍下来,
But it wasn't very good. 可是拍起来的效果不太好。
Conversation A 会话A
Do you want to see some pictures, Abby? 雅碧,妳想看一些照片吗?
Sure, Alex. Did you take them yourself? 好啊,亚力克斯,这些照片是你自己拍的吗?
Yes. I went to the park yesterday after work and took them. 是啊,我昨天下班后到公园拍的。
Let me see them. 让我看看。
Oh, this is a great action shot. 哇,这张动态照片拍得真好。
Thank you. I watched those two basketball players play for a long time. 谢谢妳。我看着那两个人打篮球打了很久,
But I did get a good picture of one guy jumping into the air. 不过我确实为其中一人高高跃起的模样拍了一张不错的照片。
You really did. 确实如此。
Conversation B 会话B
Hey, Taylor. Do you like to take pictures? 嘿,泰乐,妳喜欢拍照吗?
I do sometimes. But it's not really my hobby. 有时候, 可是拍照不算我的嗜好。
Why do you ask? 你为什么这么问?
Alex is getting into photography. 亚力克斯迷上了摄影,
So I've been thinking about it. 所以我在想这件事。
Do you like to take pictures? 你喜欢拍照吗?
Are you interested in photography? 你对摄影有兴趣吗?
No, not really. I don't take too many pictures. 没有,不算很有兴趣。我拍的照片不多。
Yeah, I only take pictures when I'm on vacation. 是啊,我只有度假的时候才会拍照。
Conversation C 会话C
I'm glad we went for a walk, Susie. 苏希,我很高兴我们出来散步。
Me, too. 我也是。
Hey, what's that over there in the distance? 嘿,那边远方是什么?
It looks like ... an eagle! 看起来像是只…老鹰!
I'm going to try to take a picture of it with my phone. 我要用我的手机把牠拍下来。
It's pretty far away. 距离很远喔。
I can try to take one. 我可以试着拍拍看。
Well, that's not a very good picture. 嗯,这张照片不太好。
Oh, well, we both have a picture of it in our minds! 没关系,我们两人的心中都有那只老鹰的影像!