【大家说英语】 第218期:新的图书馆借阅证(在线收听

 Lesson 12 Around Town 第十二课 城镇地标

July 27 7月27日
Taylor's New Library Card! 新的图书馆借阅证!
Read it! 读读看!
Taylor is reading a book called Isaac's Choice. 泰乐正在看一本书,书名是《埃萨克的抉择》。
The story is very interesting and exciting. 这本书的故事内容很有趣也很刺激。
Rob can borrow a copy from the library. 罗柏可以去图书馆借一本来看。
The library is a great place. 图书馆是很棒的地方,
The librarians are very helpful. 图书馆员都很热心帮助你。
The library has many different books and services. 图书馆有许多不同的书籍和各种服务,
They even have Chinese books. 那里甚至还有中文书。
Alex sees his favorite magazine on the shelf, too. 亚力克斯也在书架上看见他最喜欢的杂志。
Conversation A 会话A
What are you doing, Taylor? 泰乐,妳在做什么?
I'm reading a new book, Rob. It's called Isaac's Choice. 我在读一本新书,罗柏, 书名叫做《埃萨克的抉择》。
Is it a good book? 这本书好看吗?
Yes! I love it. The story is so interesting. 很好看!我很喜欢, 故事非常有趣。
Oh. Did you buy the book? 喔,这本书是妳买的吗?
No. I borrowed it from the public library. 不是,是我去公立图书馆借的。
I just got a new library card. 我刚办了一张新的借阅证。
Conversation B 会话B
Is the book exciting? 这本书的内容很刺激吗?
Yes! Maybe you can borrow a copy. 很刺激!说不定你可以去借一本,
The library has two copies of the book. 这本书在图书馆有两本。
Great! I can check later. 太好了!我可以晚点去看看,
Maybe I can find some other books, too. 说不定我还可以找到其他的书。
I really like the library. 我很喜欢图书馆,
They have a lot of great services. 他们提供许多非常棒的服务。
Yeah. The librarians are very helpful and friendly. 是啊,图书馆员很热心也很友善。
Conversation C 会话C
This is a really nice library, Rob. 罗柏,这间图书馆真不错呢。
Yeah. We're lucky. We have a great library. 是啊,我们很幸运, 能够有一间很棒的图书馆。
Wow. They have a shelf of books in Chinese! 哇,这里还有一整个书架的中文书!
Yeah. Our library has books in many different languages. 是啊,我们的图书馆有很多不同语言的书。
Really? Wow! That's great. 真的吗?哇!真是太好了。
Our library also has magazines. 我们的图书馆也有杂志。
Look. They have my favorite magazine, Let's Talk in English. 看,这里有我最喜欢的杂志──《大家说英语》。