【大家说英语】 第219期:新的图书馆借阅证(2)(在线收听

 July 28 7月28日

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Libraries provide many great services. 图书馆提供许多绝佳的服务。
They have classes for kids and adults. 他们有为儿童和成人举办的课程,
People can find all kinds of interesting information. 大家可以在图书馆里找到各种有趣的信息,
They can even request books and DVDs in other languages. 甚至也可以预约其他语言的书籍和DVD,
Alex requested a Chinese novel. 亚力克斯预约了一本中文小说。
Taylor wants to borrow a French movie. 泰乐想要借一部法国电影,
They can watch the film together after work in the office. 他们下班后可以在办公室里一起看那部电影。
Conversation A 会话A
You can find interesting information in the library. 你在图书馆里可以找到许多有趣的信息,
But libraries in America have a lot of great services, too. 可是美国的图书馆也提供很多很棒的服务。
What do you mean? 怎么说?
Many libraries provide classes. 许多图书馆都会举办不同的课程。
What kind of classes? 什么样的课程?
There are language classes, computer classes and many more. 有语言课程、计算机课程和其他许多课程。
Wow. Maybe I can take a class here. 哇,说不定我可以到这里上课。
Sure. We can ask the librarian for a list of classes. 当然可以。我们可以向图书馆员拿一份课程表。
Conversation B 会话B
Guess what, Rob? I finished Isaac's Choice today. 罗柏,你知道吗?我今天看完《埃萨克的抉择》了。
Congratulations! 恭喜!
Did you borrow the book from the library? 你去图书馆借这本书了吗?
Yes. Alex and I went to the library. 借了,亚力克斯和我一起去图书馆,
I borrowed it yesterday. I also borrowed a new movie. 我是昨天借的。我还借了一部新电影。
That's great. Did Alex borrow anything? 太好了。亚力克斯有借什么吗?
No. But he did request a book. 没有,可是他预约了一本书。
What kind of book? 什么样的书?
A new Chinese novel. He wants to read it. 一本新的中文小说, 他想看那本小说。
Conversation C 会话C
The library has books in Chinese? 图书馆有中文书?
Yes! They have books and DVDs in different languages. 没错!他们有不同语言的书籍和DVD。
Wow, cool! I love French movies. 哇,真酷!我很爱法国电影,
Maybe I can find one at our library. 说不定我可以在我们的图书馆找到一部法国电影。
Sure. Then we can plan a movie night with everyone after work. 没问题,这样我们就可以为大家安排一场下班后的电影之夜。
OK! Watching a film together will be fun. 好啊!一起看电影一定很好玩。
Yes! Even if we don't speak French! 没错! 就算我们不懂法语也没关系!