【大家说英语】 第221期:暴风雨要来了!(2)(在线收听

 July 31 7月31日

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A thunderstorm is coming! 大雷雨要来了!
Susie and Taylor are excited because they love thunder and lightning. 苏希和泰乐非常兴奋,因为她们很喜欢打雷和闪电。
But Susie's dogs don't. 可是苏希的狗儿不喜欢,
They shake when they hear thunder! 牠们听到打雷声就会吓得发抖!
Alex isn't used to American thunderstorms. 亚力克斯不习惯美国的大雷雨,
Should he hide in the basement? 他该躲在地下室吗?
Susie and Rob are prepared for the storm! 苏希和罗柏已经为暴风雨做好准备了!
If the power goes out, Susie still has candles! 要是停电,苏希还有蜡烛!
Conversation A 会话A
Susie! Did you hear about the thunderstorm that's coming? 苏希!妳听说即将来临的大雷雨了吗?
Yes. It sounds exciting! 听说了,听起来很刺激!
I love thunder and lightning! 我爱打雷和闪电!
I know. They are exciting. 是啊,打雷和闪电很刺激,
But some people are afraid of storms. 可是有些人害怕暴风雨。
Some animals are, too! 有些动物也是这样!
My dogs get scared and shake when they hear thunder. 我的狗儿听到打雷就会吓得发抖。
People have a reason to be scared. 大家害怕是应该的,
Storms can be dangerous. 因为暴风雨有可能很危险。
But if you prepare well, then you don't need to worry! 不过,妳要是做好准备,就不需要担心!
Conversation B 会话B
Did you hear about the storm, Alex? 亚力克斯,你听说暴风雨要来的消息了吗?
I did. But I'm not worried. 听说了,可是我不担心。
Maybe you should be. Storms can be dangerous. 也许你该要担心喔。暴风雨有可能会很危险,
Lightning and floods can damage buildings. 闪电和洪水可能会破坏建筑物。
Oh. I'm not used to storms in America. 哦,我对美国的暴风雨不习惯。
Should I hide in my basement? 我该躲在地下室吗?
Maybe during a tornado. But this is a thunderstorm. 龙卷风才需要躲地下室, 可是这是大雷雨。
So how can I prepare, Abby? 雅碧,那我该怎么做准备呢?
Well, you're asking the right person! 这个嘛,你问对人了!
Conversation C 会话C
Are you ready for the storm, Susie? 苏希,妳为暴风雨做好准备了吗?
I think so, Rob. I have candles in case the power goes out! 应该是吧,罗柏, 我有蜡烛,以防停电!
How do you usually prepare for a storm? 你通常都怎么为暴风雨做准备?
I watch the weather report on TV. 我会看电视上的气象报导。
Going to the store can be difficult during a big storm, 大暴风雨期间可能很难到商店去,
so sometimes I buy an extra supply of food and water. 所以我有时候会多买些食物和饮水。
Good idea. Then you can stay home as long as you need to! 好主意。这样你需要在家里待上多久,就可以待上多久!