【大家说英语】 第226期:车祸(2)(在线收听

 August 13 8月13日

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Car accidents can be very serious. 车祸有时会非常严重。
Wear a seat belt when you're in the car! 乘车时总要系上安全带!
Never drive when you are tired. 疲劳的时候绝对不要开车,
You might fall asleep! 否则你可能会睡着!
Rest or let a family member or friend drive. 休息一下,或者让家人或朋友帮忙开,
It is smarter and safer! 这是比较聪明也比较安全的做法!
Alex was in a car accident two years ago. 亚力克斯两年前发生过车祸。
A car was speeding and hit his car. 当时一辆车超速,撞上了他的车。
He broke his arm. He was in a lot of pain. 他的手臂断了, 因此遭受极大的痛楚。
Conversation A 会话A
Alex, you drive a car. 亚力克斯,你有开车。
Yes, Abby. I do drive a car. 没错,雅碧,我确实有开车。
Were you ever in an accident? 你发生过车祸吗?
Yes. I was in an accident a couple of years ago. 有,我两三年前发生过车祸。
What happened? 发生了什么事?
A car was speeding and hit my car at an intersection. 一辆车超速,在十字路口撞上了我的车。
Oh no! Were you hurt? 真惨!你有受伤吗?
Yes. I broke my arm. 有,我的手臂断了,
I was in a lot of pain. 痛死我了。
Conversation B 会话B
When you are in a car, do you always wear a seat belt, Alex? 亚力克斯,你乘车的时候都一定会系安全带吗?
Yes. In Taipei, everyone in the car must wear a seat belt. 会呀。在台北,车上的每个人都必须系上安全带,
It is the law. 这是法律规定的。
Really? 真的吗?
Yes. Or they will get a ticket. 没错,否则就会收到罚单。
In most states in America, everyone needs to wear a seat belt. 在美国大多数的州里,每个人在车里都必须系上安全带。
Wearing a seat belt is important. 系安全带很重要,
It can save lives! 这么做能够救人一命!
Conversation C 会话C
Did you hear about the car accident on Fifth Street yesterday? 你听说昨天发生在第五街的车祸了吗?
Yes. 听说了。
One of the drivers fell asleep. 其中一名驾驶睡着了。
That's terrible! 真糟糕!
When drivers are tired, they shouldn't drive! 驾驶人疲劳的时候就不该开车!
I agree. They should rest first. 我同意。他们应该先休息,
Someone could get hurt! 否则可能会导致有人受伤!
Right. They should let another family member or a friend drive. 没错,他们应该让家人或朋友帮忙开车。
Right. That's smarter and safer! 对啊,这是比较聪明也比较安全的做法!