【大家说英语】 第228期:好好保养牙齿(在线收听

 Lesson 7 Health 第七课 健康

August 17 8月17日
Take Care of Your Teeth! 好好保养牙齿!
Read it! 读读看!
Dr. Smiles is a dentist. 微笑医生是一位牙医,
He talks to Rob about caring for his teeth. 他和罗柏谈论如何保养牙齿。
He should brush his teeth twice a day. 他说一天应该刷两次牙,
He should floss his teeth, too, especially after meals. 也应该用牙线清牙,尤其是在用餐之后。
But everyone forgets to floss or brush sometimes. 可是大家有时候都不免忘记用牙线清牙或刷牙。
Do you take good care of your teeth? 你有没有好好保养牙齿?
For fun, try a new kind of toothpaste! 为了让刷牙更有趣,可以用不同种类的牙膏试试看!
Conversation A 会话A
Welcome to the show, Dr. Smiles. 微笑医生,欢迎来到节目上。
Thanks, I'm glad to be here. 谢谢,我很高兴能够来上节目。
Dr. Smiles, you're a dentist. 微笑医生,你是位牙医。
That's right. I help people take care of their teeth. 没错, 我帮助大家保养他们的牙齿。
Great! How can I take good care of my teeth? 太好了!我可以怎么好好地照顾我的牙齿?
You should brush your teeth twice a day. 你应该要一天刷两次牙。
I do. I usually brush my teeth in the morning and before I go to bed. 这我有做到, 我通常早上刷一次牙,晚上睡觉前又会再刷一次。
Conversation B 会话B
What else can we do to take care of our teeth? 我们还可以怎么保养牙齿?
Well, everyone needs to floss their teeth. 这个嘛,每个人都必须用牙线清牙。
How much time do you spend flossing every day? 你每天都花多少时间清牙?
I spend about five minutes every day. 一天差不多五分钟。
Rob, did you floss today? 罗柏,你今天有用牙线清牙了吗?
Uh, I forgot this morning. 呃,我今天早上忘了清,
But I plan on flossing tonight! 可是我打算今晚清牙!
Don't worry. I take good care of my teeth, but sometimes I forget, too. 别担心。我很用心保养我的牙齿,可是有时候我也会忘记。
Conversation C 会话C
Well, Dr. Smiles, we are learning a lot today. 微笑医生,我们今天学到了很多东西。
Before we finish, can you answer one last question? 在节目结束之前,你可以回答最后一个问题吗?
Sure, Rob. What do you want to ask me? 当然可以,罗柏,你想问我什么?
What toothpaste do you use? 你用什么牙膏?
I like toothpastes with fruit flavors─like banana! 我喜欢水果口味的牙膏…例如香蕉口味!
Thanks Dr. Smiles! If I need to ask a question about teeth, I'll ask you first! 微笑医生,谢谢你!我如果有牙齿方面的问题,一定第一个请教你!