【大家说英语】 第231期:高中同学会(在线收听

 Lesson 10 Small Talk 第十课 闲聊

August 24 8月24日
High School Reunions 高中同学会
Read it! 读读看!
Taylor is planning her high school class reunion. 泰乐正在筹办她高中班级的同学会,
She's working hard! 她很努力认真!
She is inviting everyone from her class. 她要邀请班上的每个人,
And she is renting a big hotel! 还要在大饭店租一间宴会厅!
She is very excited! 她非常兴奋!
Taylor and her old friends can catch up. 泰乐和她的老朋友可以聊聊彼此的近况。
Maybe they changed a lot. 也许他们改变了很多,
Or maybe they are still the same. 或者一点都没变,
They probably wonder about her, too! 他们说不定也纳闷着她的近况!
Conversation A 会话A
Hi, Taylor! What are those? 嗨,泰乐!那些是什么?
Hi, Alex. These are invitations for my high school class reunion. 嗨,亚力克斯,这些是我高中班级同学会的邀请函。
Why do you have them? 妳为什么会有这些邀请函?
Well, I'm planning the reunion. 这个嘛,我在筹办同学会。
Cool. Then your high school friends can be together. 酷。这样你的高中朋友就可以聚一聚,
That's nice! 这样很不错!
Yes. I'm excited! 是啊,我很兴奋!
Are you inviting everyone to the event? 妳要邀请所有人参加吗?
Yes. That's my job! 没错,这是我的工作!
Conversation B 会话B
Planning a class reunion is hard work. 筹办班级同学会是很辛苦的工作。
I know. Taylor called a big hotel today! 是啊。泰乐今天打电话联络了一家大饭店!
She did? For what? 真的吗?为什么?
So her classmates can rent a room for their party. 为她的同班同学订一间宴会厅,举办他们的派对。
High school reunions can be fun. 高中同学会很好玩。
Does your class have reunions? 妳的班级有办同学会吗?
Yes. I don't go to my high school reunions. 有。我没有参加高中同学会,
But I do go to my college reunions. 可是我参加大学同学会。
Conversation C 会话C
I like class reunions. 我喜欢同学会,
You and your old friends can catch up! 可以和老朋友聊聊近况!
Sometimes you can see a big change in people! 有时候可以在别人身上看到很大的改变!
And sometimes they are the same! 有些人则是一点都没变!
I always wonder about my high school classmates. 我总是不禁会纳闷高中同班同学的近况,
Are they doing well? 不知他们过得好不好?
And they probably wonder about you, too. 他们大概也会想知道妳的近况。
You're right. Maybe I can go to my next high school class reunion! 妳说得对, 也许我可以参加我们下一次的高中同学会!