【大家说英语】 第236期:参天大树(在线收听

 Lesson 13 Nuture 第十三课 大自然

August 31 8月31日
Giant Trees 参天大树
Read it! 读读看!
Taylor is on the computer. 泰乐在用计算机,
She is looking at photos of giant trees. 她正在看巨大树木的照片。
Alex likes planting trees. 亚力克斯喜欢种树,
Trees help clean the air. 树木能够帮忙净化空气。
Taylor tells Susie about the forest near the studio. 泰乐向苏希谈及电视台附近的森林。
Susie and Rob go to the forest. 苏希和罗柏到森林去,
They can see the trees and get close to them, too. 他们可以看见树木,并且接近树木。
They feel tiny next to it. 站在巨树旁边,他们觉得自己很渺小。
They see many trees with large branches. 他们看见许多有着巨大树枝的树。
Conversation A 会话A
Hey, Alex. Come and look at these photos on my computer. 嘿,亚力克斯,过来看看我计算机上的这些照片。
Wow, those are big trees! 哇,那些树真大!
Why are you looking at them? 妳为什么看这些照片?
I'm writing a news report about them. 我在写一篇有关树木的新闻报导。
I like trees. I planted some by my apartment this year. 我喜欢树, 我今年在我的公寓旁边种了几棵。
Good for you. Why did you do that? 做得好, 你为什么这么做?
Trees help clean the air. 树木能够帮忙净化空气。
Conversation B 会话B
Taylor, what are you doing? 泰乐,妳在做什么?
I'm writing a news report for you and Rob. 我在为妳和罗柏写一篇新闻报导。
What is it about? 内容是什么?
It's about the giant trees in the forest near our studio. 是关于我们电视台附近那座森林里的巨树。
That's great. I like those trees. 真棒, 我喜欢那些树木。
Then you know about them. That's good. 那妳知道那些树啰, 很好。
Yes. I like hiking in that forest. 是啊,我喜欢在那座森林里健行。
I can take Rob to see them. 我可以带罗柏去看那些树。
Conversation C 会话C
Wow! This forest is huge! 哇!这座森林真大!
Yes. I love this forest. 是啊,我爱这座森林。
Today is such a beautiful day. 今天真是个晴朗美丽的日子。
It is a really nice day. 今天天气确实很好。
Wow, look at that giant tree over there. 哇,看那边那棵巨树。
It is a very big tree. 那的确是一棵很大的树,
It also has many large branches. 而且还有很多大树枝。
Let's get close to it. 我们到它旁边去看看。
I feel so tiny next to it! 站在它旁边,我觉得自己好渺小喔!