【大家说英语】 第237期:文具用品(在线收听

 Lesson 1 School 第一课 学校

September 1 9月1日
School and Office Supplies 文具用品
Read it! 读读看!
Grace is starting school soon. 葛蕾丝很快就要开学了,
She goes to the university here in town. 她就读城里的大学。
She needs new school supplies. 她需要新的学校文具,
She needs pens, pencils and markers. 她需要原子笔、铅笔和麦克笔,
She also needs a good Japanese dictionary. 还需要一本好的日文辞典。
The office needs some supplies, too. 办公室也需要文具用品,
They need rubber bands. What else do they need? 他们需要橡皮筋, 他们还需要什么呢?
Conversation A 会话A
Thank you, Grace. That chocolate cake was really good! 谢谢妳,葛蕾丝, 巧克力蛋糕真好吃!
I know. I like it, too! 是啊,我也喜欢吃这里的巧克力蛋糕!
Do you start school soon? 妳很快就要开学了吗?
Yes. Classes start next week. 嗯,下星期就开始上课了。
Are you in high school? 妳在念高中吗?
No! I go to the university here in town. 不是!我就读城里的大学。
Oh. Sorry! You look so young! 噢,对不起!妳看起来好年轻喔!
That's OK. Many people say that. 没关系, 很多人都这么说。
Conversation B 会话B
Are you ready for school, Grace? 葛蕾丝,妳做好上学的准备了吗?
No. I still need school supplies. 还没,我还需要一些文具。
I need pens, pencils and markers. 我需要一些原子笔、铅笔和麦克笔。
Do you need new books, too? 妳也需要新书吗?
Yes. Those are really expensive. 是啊,那些书很贵。
I know. I remember! 我知道,我还记得!
What books do you need? 妳需要哪些书?
I'm taking a Japanese class this year. 我今年修了一门日文课,
So I need a good Japanese dictionary. 所以我需要一本好的日文字典。
A good dictionary is important. 一本好字典很重要。
Conversation C 会话C
Taylor, do you have any rubber bands? 泰乐,妳有橡皮筋吗?
No, I don't. Look in the supply closet. 没有, 去文具柜看看。
I did. But I didn't see any. 我看过了,可是没有看到。
Can you buy some? 妳可以去买一些吗?
Sure. 可以。
We need more printer paper, too. 我们也需要更多打印纸。
There is only one more package. 现在只剩一包了。
What else do we need? 我们还需要什么?
I don't know. But I can check. 我不知道, 不过我可以去确认看看。