【大家说英语】 第240期:学跆拳道!(2)(在线收听

 September 4 9月4日

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Alex took taekwondo lessons when he was growing up. 亚力克斯在成长过程中上过跆拳道的课程,
He has a black belt in taekwondo. 他拥有黑带的等级,
But he is not a master. 但他还不是大师。
He likes the sport because it exercises the whole body. 他喜欢打跆拳道,是因为跆拳道可以让全身都运动到。
Taylor's nephew is starting taekwondo, and she wants to know more about it. 泰乐的侄子刚开始学跆拳道,她想对这种运动获得更多了解。
Abby tried the sport once. 雅碧尝试过这种运动,
But she stopped when she hurt her ankle on the stairs. 可是她因为爬楼梯伤了脚踝之后,就没有继续学了。
Conversation A 会话A
Hi, Alex, did you do any sports in Taiwan? 嗨,亚力克斯,你在台湾有从事任何运动吗?
Yes. When I was a kid, I learned taekwondo. 有。我小时候学过跆拳道。
Were you good at it? 你打得好吗?
Well, I have a black belt. 呃,我有黑带的等级,
But I stopped practicing when I moved here. 可是搬到这里以后我就没再练习了。
So you are good! 原来你这么厉害!
I heard that taekwondo is great exercise for the whole body. 我听说跆拳道是一种很好的运动,可以让全身都运动到。
It is. I practiced for many years, but I'm not a master. 没错。我练了很多年,可是我不是大师。
Conversation B 会话B
Did you do taekwondo growing up, Rob? 罗柏,你成长过程中打过跆拳道吗?
No, but Alex did. He has a black belt! 没有,可是亚力克斯打过。他是黑带的呢!
Great! I'll talk to him. 太棒了!我再去找他聊。
My nephew just started taking taekwondo lessons. 我侄子刚开始学跆拳道。
It's a popular sport. Many people do it for exercise. 这是一种很热门的运动, 很多人都学跆拳道健身。
My nephew has a lot of energy. He'll like it! 我的侄子精力很旺盛, 他一定会喜欢的。
And he will learn discipline, too. 他也会学到纪律。
That is even better! 这样更好!
Conversation C 会话C
Have you ever taken taekwondo, Abby? 雅碧,你学过跆拳道吗?
Yes, I used to take it. But I stopped after a couple months. 有,我学过, 可是几个月后就停了。
Why? Didn't you like it? 为什么?妳不喜欢吗?
I did. But I hurt my ankle, so I stopped. 我喜欢,可是我因为脚踝受伤,所以就没再继续学了。
You got hurt? 妳受了伤?
Should I worry about my nephew? 我该担心我的侄子吗?
He just started taekwondo. 他才刚开始学跆拳道。
Don't worry, I didn't hurt my ankle during taekwondo. 别担心,我不是因为打跆拳道伤到脚踝,
I hurt it on the stairs! 而是因为爬楼梯受伤的!