【大家说英语】 第249期:修理东西(2)(在线收听

 September 18 9月18日

Read it! 读读看!
The faucet in the restroom is dripping. 洗手间里的水龙头在滴水。
Susie wants to call a plumber. 苏希想要找水电工来,
But Taylor thinks she can fix it. 可是泰乐认为她会修。
She tries, but she breaks something. 她试了,但却弄坏了什么东西,
Water is spraying everywhere! 现在水喷得到处都是!
Then Alex came and turned off the water. 然后,亚力克斯过来把水关掉。
Taylor learned her lesson. 泰乐学到了教训,
No more DIY plumbing for her! 她再也不要自己动手修理水管问题了!
Conversation A 会话A
Hi, Taylor. Did you notice the faucet in the restroom is dripping? 嗨,泰乐,妳有没有注意到厕所里的水龙头在滴水?
Yes, I did notice that. But that's easy to fix. 有,我注意到了, 可是那很容易修。
It is? 真的吗?
Sure. I can do it. My dad showed me how. 当然啦,我会修, 我爸爸教过我。
I'll fix it during lunch. 我午休时间去修。
Are you sure? So we don't need to call a plumber? 妳确定吗?所以我们不必找水电工啰?
No! Plumbers are expensive. 不必!请水电工太贵了。
I can do it. I just need the right tool. 我可以修, 只是需要适当的工具而已。
Conversation B 会话B
Alex! Come quickly! We have a problem. 亚力克斯!快来!我们遇到了问题。
What's the problem? 什么问题?
Taylor tried to fix the restroom faucet. But she broke something. 泰乐试着修理厕所的水龙头, 可是她不晓得弄坏了什么东西,
Now there's water everywhere! 现在到处都是水!
Why are you asking me? 妳为什么找我?
I can't find anyone else! Everyone has gone to lunch. 我找不到别人!大家都去吃午餐了。
OK, let's go! 好,我们走吧!
Didn't Taylor turn off the water to the faucet? 泰乐没有把水龙头的水关掉吗?
No. She didn't know how! 没有,她不晓得怎么关!
Uh-oh. We need to hurry! 糟糕,我们得快一点!
Conversation C 会话C
So, Taylor, it sounds like lunchtime was pretty exciting. 泰乐,听起来妳的午休时间过得很刺激。
Oh, Rob. I thought I could fix the faucet. 唉,罗柏,我本来以为我会修水龙头。
My dad made it look so easy! 看我爸爸修好像很容易的样子!
I'm sure he did. 我敢说他修起来一定很容易。
But when I tried to fix it, the water started to spray everywhere! 可是我试着修的时候,水就开始喷得到处都是!
Until Alex came and turned it off. 直到亚力克斯去把水关掉为止。
Right. 没错。
And then you called a plumber. 然后妳找了水电工。
Yes. I learned my lesson. 没错,我学到了教训。
No more DIY plumbing for me! 我再也不要自己动手修理水管问题了!