【大家说英语】 第254期:免费座位(在线收听

 Lesson 11 Talk About It 第十一课 主题讨论

September 25 9月25日
A Free Seat? 免费座位?
Kendra had a great summer. 坎德拉过了一个很棒的暑假。
But now, the new semester was starting. 不过,现在新学期开始了。
At school, Kendra saw her friend Alison. 在学校,坎德拉看见她的朋友艾莉森,
It was the first time since last semester. 这是她们自从上学期放假后第一次见面。
"Hey, Alison. Let's go to the coffee shop when class is over. “嘿,艾莉森, 我们下课后一起去咖啡馆吧。
We can talk about the summer and do homework." 我们可以聊聊暑假事情,也一起做功课。”
That sounded like a good plan. 这计划听起来不错。
Alison had a lot to talk about, too. 艾莉森也有很多事情想说,
But she also wanted to study. 可是她也想看书。
After class, Kendra went to the coffee shop. 下课后,坎德拉到了咖啡馆。
There was a table available in the back. 咖啡馆后方有一张桌子没有人坐,
Kendra sat down. 坎德拉坐了下来。
She spent half an hour playing with her phone. 她花了半个小时玩手机,
Then Alison showed up. 然后艾莉森来了。
Kendra was happy, but the person working behind the counter was not. 坎德拉很高兴,可是柜台后方的那个员工不高兴。
Students came to the shop almost every day to catch up with each other. 学生几乎每天都会到咖啡馆来聊聊近况,
But they often didn't buy anything. 可是他们通常都不会消费。
Alison went to the counter and ordered a pie. 艾莉森走到柜台前点了一个派。
The person behind the counter was grateful and smiled. 柜台后方的员工相当感激,脸上露出了微笑。
Kendra moved her backpack, and Alison sat down. 坎德拉把背包挪到一旁,艾莉森坐了下来。
After talking for a while, Alison realized something. 她们聊了一会儿之后,艾莉森才注意到一件事。
"Kendra, didn't you order something? “坎德拉,妳没有点东西吗?
Do you plan on ordering anything?" she asked. 妳打算点东西吗?”她问。
"Well…," Kendra started to say. “这个嘛…”坎德拉开口说。
Alison was surprised by what Kendra did. 艾莉森对于坎德拉的行为感到很惊讶,
Should Alison tell Kendra to order something? 艾莉森应该叫坎德拉点些东西吗?
Or should she ignore the problem? 还是她应该对这个问题视而不见?
What would you do? 你会怎么做?