【大家说英语】 第255期:庆祝教师节(在线收听

 Lesson 12 News 第十二课 新闻

September 28 9月28日
Celebrate Teachers! 庆祝教师节!
Teachers are important. But what role do they play? 老师很重要, 可是他们扮演什么角色呢?
They help children learn. 他们协助孩童学习。
But they don't just help children with school work. 可是他们不只帮助儿童的学业,
They also help children become good, successful people. 也帮助儿童成为正直、成功的人。
World Teachers' Day is on October 5. 国际教师节是在十月五日,
But many countries celebrate teachers on another day. 可是许多国家都在其他的日子颂扬老师。
Some Chinese people celebrate on September 28. 有些中国人在九月二十八日庆祝教师节,
This day is Confucius' birthday. 这一天是孔子的生日,
He was a wise teacher. 他是一位有智慧且贤明的老师。
On Teachers' Day, students thank their teachers. 在教师节,学生会向老师表达感谢之意。
They may give them small gifts. 他们可能会送老师小礼物,
Some students give flowers. 有些学生会送花。
Some former students even go back to their old elementary school, junior high school or high school. 有些老学生甚至会回到他们以前的小学、国中或高中,
They visit their old teachers. 他们探望自己以前的老师。
If they can't visit, they may just send cards. 如果他们没办法亲自探望,可能会寄卡片致意。
Some students stay friends with their old teachers for many years. 有些学生和自己以前的老师会保持许多年的友谊。
What is a good teacher? 如何才算是好老师呢?
A good teacher loves to teach! 好老师热爱教学!
They love their subject and love to share that joy with students. 他们热爱自己教学的科目,也热爱和学生分享学习那门科目的乐趣。
They find fun ways to do that, too. 他们也会找出有趣的方法来分享。
A good teacher's class is rarely boring! 好老师所教的课很少会让人感到无聊!
A good teacher also cares about his or her students. 好老师也关心自己的学生。
They not only teach the class subject, but also teach students about life. 他们不仅教导课堂上的科目,也教导学生人生的课题。
Do you know a good teacher? 你认识一位好老师吗?
Thank him or her today! 今天就去谢谢他/她吧!