【大家说英语】 第257期:下国际象棋(2)(在线收听

 September 30 9月30日

Read it! 读读看!
Games are fun to play. 游戏很好玩,
Susie and Abby like to play checkers. 苏希和雅碧喜欢玩跳棋,
They are going to play Chinese checkers during lunch. 她们要在午休时间玩跳棋。
Rob wants to play, too. 罗柏也想玩,
But he doesn't want Alex to beat them. 可是他不想让亚力克斯赢他们。
Alex is a genius at games and always wins. 亚力克斯是玩游戏的天才,每玩必赢。
During a game of chess, Alex uses his queen for a sneaky move. 在一场国际象棋当中,亚力克斯利用他的皇后诱骗对手。
Checkmate, Rob! 罗柏,你被将死了!
Conversation A 会话A
What are you doing during lunch today, Susie? 苏希,妳今天午休时间要做什么?
Abby and I are playing checkers! 雅碧和我要下跳棋!
Fun! Everyone is playing games now. 真好玩!现在大家都在玩游戏,
It started with Taylor's chess set. 都是从泰乐的国际象棋组开始的。
Yeah! Playing games is a good idea. 是啊!玩游戏是个好主意。
Do you want to play, too, Rob? 罗柏,你也想玩吗?
I do. But only two people can play checkers. 我想玩,可是跳棋只能两个人下。
You're right. But we are playing Chinese checkers! 没错, 可是我们玩的是中国跳棋!
Conversation B 会话B
Many people can play Chinese checkers. 中国跳棋可以很多人一起玩。
That's right. So you can play with us. 没错, 所以你可以和我们一起玩。
Can we invite others to play, too? 我们可以邀请别人一起玩吗?
Sure. Let's invite Alex to play! 当然可以,我们来邀请亚力克斯吧!
No, don't! He's a genius at games. 不要,不可以邀请他!他是玩游戏的天才,
He'll beat everyone. 他会打败所有人的。
That's OK, Rob. 没关系啦,罗柏,
Games aren't only about winning. 玩游戏的重点不只是为了赢,
They're about having fun with friends! 也是为了和朋友一起玩得开心呀!
I know. But I like winning. 我知道,可是我喜欢赢。
Maybe I can beat him at a different game next time! 说不定我下次可以在不同的游戏里赢他!
Conversation C 会话C
Be careful! I have a lot of your pieces. 小心!我已经吃了你的很多棋子,
And your king is in danger. 你的国王也危险了。
I know. You're so good at this game. 是啊。你很擅长国际象棋,
But I have a secret move. 可是我暗中布了局。
Check! 将军!
Not for long. Here comes my queen. 你得意不了多久的。我的皇后来了,
She's the strongest piece! 她是我最强的棋子!
Well. That was a sneaky move. 嗯,你这一招还真狡猾,
But watch this!(Rob moves piece.) 不过看我这招!
Haha! 哈哈!
Haha yourself. Checkmate! 还笑呢。将死了!
Congratulations, Alex! You won. 恭喜,亚力克斯,你赢了!
I did! But it's OK. 没错,可是没关系,
Games are about having fun! 玩游戏好玩比较重要!
Wasn't that fun, Rob? 这局棋很好玩,罗柏,对不对?