【大家说英语】 第262期:停电了!(在线收听

 Lesson 3 Around Town 第三课 城镇地标

October 7 10月7日
There is No Power! 停电了!
Read it! 读读看!
There is a big storm outside. 外面有暴风雨来袭。
A tree fell on a power line. 一棵树倒在电线上,
Now the line is down, and there is no electricity. 导致电线倒塌,造成停电。
The studio is dark! 摄影棚一片漆黑!
Rob cannot record his show. 罗柏没办法录制他的节目,
What can he do? 他该怎么办?
Abby can call the electric company. 雅碧可以打电话给电力公司,
They can send a repairman. 他们可以派维修人员过来。
The repairman can fix the problem. 维修人员能够解决问题,
But he needs a few hours. 可是需要几个小时的时间。
Conversation A 会话A
Rob! What are you doing here? 罗柏!你在这里做什么?
Why aren't you recording? 你不是在录节目吗?
Hi, Taylor. I was recording. 嗨,泰乐。我本来是在录节目呀,
But now there's a problem. 可是现在有个问题。
What problem? 什么问题?
The whole studio is dark. 整个摄影棚一片漆黑。
What do you mean? 什么意思?
The studio has no power. The power is out. 摄影棚没有电力, 停电了。
Maybe the storm is the problem. 也许是暴风雨的关系,
It's still raining outside. 外面还在下雨。
I know. What can we do? 是啊,我们该怎么办?
We can wait for Abby. She's coming soon. 我们可以等雅碧, 她马上就过来了。
Conversation B 会话B
Hi, Rob. Hi, Taylor. 嗨,罗柏;嗨,泰乐,
I called the electric company. 我打电话给电力公司了。
Thank you, Abby. 雅碧,谢谢妳。
You're welcome. A repairman is coming. 不客气。有个维修人员要过来了。
Great. Thanks, Abby. 太好了。雅碧,谢了。
Did you have a guest on your show today, Rob? 罗柏,你今天的节目上有来宾吗?
No. I was recording a news report today. 没有,我今天录的是一篇新闻报导。
Oh, OK. 哦,好。
Your phone is ringing, Abby. 雅碧,妳的手机响了。
Oh. The electric company is calling. 哦,是电力公司打来的。
Conversation C 会话C
Thank you for coming so soon. 谢谢你这么快过来,
The storm outside is bad! 外面的暴风雨很大!
I know. Lots of people are calling us. 我知道,很多人都打电话给我们。
Why is the studio's power out? Do you know? 摄影棚为什么停电了?你知道吗?
Yes. A tree fell on a power line. 知道。一棵树倒在电线上。
Oh, no! Where? 真糟糕!在哪里?
Right outside your building. 就在你们的大楼外面。
The line is down. 电线倒塌了,
The electric company can fix it. 电力公司可以修理,
But we need a few hours. 可是我们需要几个小时的时间。
OK. I can let everyone know. 好,我可以告诉大家。