英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第238期:第十四章 精神胜于物质(2)(在线收听

 "I was born in Chicago in 1901." “我出生在1901年的芝加哥。”

He paused and glanced at me from the corner of his eyes. 他停下来,用眼角的余光瞥着我。
My face was carefully unsurprised, patient for the rest. 我的脸上是小心翼翼的毫不惊讶的神情,我耐心地等待着下文。
He smiled a tiny smile and continued. 他淡淡一笑,然后继续说道。
"Carlisle found me in a hospital in the summer of 1918. “1918年的夏天,卡莱尔在一家医院里发现了我。
I was seventeen, and dying of the Spanish influenza." 我才十七岁,正因为西班牙流感而濒临死亡。”
He heard my intake of breath, though it was barely audible to my own ears. 他听见了我倒抽一口冷气的声音,尽管这声音小得几乎只有我自己能听见。
He looked down into my eyes again. 他低下头,再次看着我的眼睛。
"I don't remember it well—it was a very long time ago, and human memories fade." “我记不太清了——那是很久以前的事了,而人类的记忆总在褪色。”
He was lost in his thoughts for a short time before he went on. 他陷入了沉思,片刻之后,接着说道。
"I do remember how it felt, when Carlisle saved me. “我确实还记得,卡莱尔救我时的感觉。
It's not an easy thing, not something you could forget." 那不是件容易的事,不是你轻易可以忘掉的事。”
"Your parents?" “你的父母呢?”
"They had already died from the disease. I was alone. “他们都已经在这场瘟疫中死去了。我成了孤儿。
That was why he chose me. 这就是为什么他选择了我。
In all the chaos of the epidemic, no one would ever realize I was gone." 在瘟疫流行的一片混乱中,没人会注意到我不见了。”
"How did he... save you?" “他是怎样……救你的?”
A few seconds passed before he answered. 几分钟后,他才回答了我的问题。
He seemed to choose his words carefully. 他似乎在谨慎地选择着字眼。
"It was difficult. Not many of us have the restraint necessary to accomplish it. “这很困难。我们中没几个人有足够的自制力来做到这件事。
But Carlisle has always been the most humane, the most compassionate of us... 但卡莱尔总是我们之中最人道的,最慈悲的那个……
I don't think you could find his equal throughout all of history." He paused. 我不认为你能在整个人类历史中找到可与他相提并论的人。”他顿了顿。
"For me, it was merely very, very painful." “但对我来说,整个过程都仅仅是非常,非常的痛苦。”