英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第245期:第十四章 精神胜于物质(9)(在线收听

 His expression shifted instantly to chagrin. "Are you very angry with me?" 他的神情立刻变得苦恼起来。“你很生我的气吗?”

"That depends!" I felt and sounded like I'd had the breath knocked out of me. “那得看情况!”我感觉到,也能听到,我在大口大口地喘息着。
He waited. 他等待着。
"On?" he urged. “基于?”他催促着。
"What you heard!" I wailed. “你听到了什么!”我哀号道。
Instantly, silently, he was at my side, taking my hands carefully in his. 一转眼,他已经悄无声息地站到我身旁,双手小心地握住我的手。
"Don't be upset!" he pleaded. “别生气!”他恳求道。
He dropped his face to the level of my eyes, holding my gaze. 他俯下脸,和我的眼睛落在同一水平线上,对上了我的目光。
I was embarrassed. I tried to look away. 我很窘迫,想要移开视线。
"You miss your mother," he whispered. “你很思念你的母亲。”他耳语道。
"You worry about her. “你在担心她。
And when it rains, the sound makes you restless. 下雨的时候,那声音总让你休息不好。
You used to talk about home a lot, but it's less often now. 你原来常在说家里的事,但现在少多了。
Once you said, 'It's too green.'" 有一次你说,‘这里太绿了。’”
He laughed softly, hoping, I could see, not to offend me further. 他温和地笑着,期待着——我能看出来——不致于太过冒犯我。
"Anything else?" I demanded. “没有别的了?”我诘问道。
He knew what I was getting at. "You did say my name," he admitted. 他知道我说的是什么。“你确实说过我的名字。”他坦白道。
I sighed in defeat. "A lot?" 我挫败地叹息着。“经常?”
"How much do you mean by 'a lot,' exactly?" “更确切些,你的‘经常’是指多频繁?”
"Oh no!" I hung my head. “哦不!”我垂下头。
He pulled me against his chest, softly, naturally. 他把我拉到他的胸前,动作是那么的温柔,那么的自然。
"Don't be self-conscious," he whispered in my ear. “别难为情,”他在我的耳畔低语着。
"If I could dream at all, it would be about you. And I'm not ashamed of it." “如果我能做梦,那一定都是关于你的梦。而且我也不会为此感到羞愧的。”