英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第281期:第十七章 游戏(6)(在线收听

 I looked into his eyes, filled with nothing but concern for me, and there was nothing I could say. 我看着他的眼睛,他眼里只有对我的关心,我什么也说不出来。

Just then the front door banged loudly, and I jumped at the sound. 就在这时,前门砰地一声响起来,我被这声音吓了一跳。
There's no picture anywhere in that car. Jacob's complaining voice reached us before he did.  “车里根本没有什么照片。”雅克布人还没到,抱怨声就传来了。
The shoulders of his shirt were stained with the rain, his hair dripping, when he rounded the corner. 他转过拐角时,他肩上的恤衫被雨打湿了,他的头发滴着水。
Hmm, Billy grunted, suddenly detached, spinning his chair around to face his son. I guess I left it at home. “呃嗯,”比利咕哝着,忽然从我身边走开,把他的轮椅转过去面对着他的儿子。“我猜我把它落在家里了。”
Jacob rolled his eyes dramatically. Great. 雅克布使劲翻了翻眼睛。“很好。”
Well, Bella, tell Charlie — Billy paused before continuing — that we stopped by, I mean. “嗯,贝拉,告诉查理”——比利停顿一下,继续说道——“就说我们来过,我是说。”
I will, I muttered. “我会的。”我喃喃低语道。
Jacob was surprised. Are we leaving already? 雅克布很吃惊。“我们要走了吗?”
Charlie's gonna be out late, Billy explained as he rolled himself past Jacob. “查理出去了,要很晚才能回来。”比利解释着,摇着轮椅越过雅克布。
Oh. Jacob looked disappointed. Well, I guess I'll see you later, then, Bella. “哦,”雅克布看上去很失望。“好吧,那么,我猜我们只能回见了,贝拉。”
Sure, I agreed. “当然,”我赞同道。
Take care, Billy warned me. I didn't answer. “当心。”比利警告我。我没有会的。
Jacob helped his father out the door.  雅克布帮助他父亲越过门槛。
I waved briefly, glancing swiftly toward my now-empty truck, and then shut the door before they were gone. 我简短地挥了挥手,飞快地瞥了一眼我空荡荡的卡车,然后在他们离开以前关上了门。
I stood in the hallway for a minute, listening to the sound of their car as it backed out and drove away.  我在走廊里站了一分钟,听着他们把车倒出去然后开走的声音。
I stayed where I was, waiting for the irritation and anxiety to subside. When the tension eventually faded a bit,  我待在原地,等着自己的愤怒和焦虑平息下来。当我的紧张终于稍微褪色的时候,
I headed upstairs to change out of my dressy clothes. 我冲上楼,换下自己考究的衣着。