英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第289期:第十七章 游戏(14)(在线收听

 I haven't forgotten the last time yet. Could it have been only yesterday? “我可还没忘记上次的事。”这居然还是昨天刚刚发生的事?

He was around to my side of the car in a blur. He started unbuckling me. 他一阵风似的绕到我身旁。他开始解开我的安全带。
I'll get those, you go on ahead, I protested. “我自己来,你去吧。”我竭力主张道。
Hmmm… he mused as he quickly finished. It seems I'm going to have to tamper with your memory. “呃嗯……”他一边飞快地解开所有系扣,一边若有所思地说道。“也许我得修改一下你的记忆。”
Before I could react, he pulled me from the Jeep and set my feet on the ground.  我还没反应过来,他已经把我拉出车外,让我落到地上。
It was barely misting now; Alice was going to be right. 现在雨已经变成蒙蒙细雨了。爱丽丝是对的。
Tamper with my memory? I asked nervously. “修改我的记忆?”我提心吊胆地问道。
Something like that. He was watching me intently, carefully, but there was humor deep in his eyes.  “类似于这样的事情。”他专注地看着我,但他的眼里有着浓浓的调侃。
He placed his hands against the Jeep on either side of my head and leaned forward,  他把手撑在越野车上,落在我的头的两侧,然后向我侧下身来,
forcing me to press back against the door.  逼得我紧靠在了门上。
He leaned in even closer, his face inches from mine. I had no room to escape. 他的脸离我的脸只有几英寸远。我根本无路可逃。
Now, he breathed, and just his smell disturbed my thought processes, what exactly are you worrying about? “现在,”他轻声说着,他的气息完全打乱了我的思路。“你到底在担心着什么?”
Well, um, hitting a tree — I gulped — and dying. And then getting sick. “嗯,呃,撞到树上——”我吞咽了一下“——撞死,还有眩晕。
He fought back a smile. Then he bent his head down and touched his cold lips softly to the hollow at the base of my throat.” 他报以一笑。他低下头,用冰冷的唇温柔地吻着我的颈窝。
Are you still worried now? he murmured against my skin. “现在,你还在担心么?”他贴着我的肌肤,喃喃低语道。
Yes. I struggled to concentrate. About hitting trees and getting sick. “是的。”我挣扎着继续说道。“担心撞树和晕眩。”
His nose drew a line up the skin of my throat to the point of my chin. His cold breath tickled my skin. 他的鼻子轻轻地贴着我的肌肤,从我的喉咙一路滑到我的下颌。他冰冷的呼吸呵在我的肌肤上,有点儿痒。