【大家说英语】 第267期:奇妙的感官知觉(在线收听

 Lesson 7 Small Talk 第七课 闲聊

October 15 10月15日
Hear, Smell, Taste, Touch and See! 奇妙的感官知觉!
Read it! 读读看!
Alex smells something good at the Jungle Cafe! 亚力克斯在丛林咖啡馆闻到很香的味道!
What is it? 是什么呢?
Rob is eating a cheeseburger. 罗柏正在吃一个吉士汉堡,
It tastes great. 那吃起来很美味。
Abby hears a sound in the office. 雅碧在办公室听到一个声音,
What is it? 是什么呢?
The janitor is fixing a window. 工友正在修理窗户。
She hears another noise. 她又听到另一个声音,
It's Rob's phone. 是罗柏的手机。
Taylor lost her earring in the studio. 泰乐的耳环掉在摄影棚里。
Don't worry. Abby found it. 别担心, 雅碧找到了,
She stepped on it. 她踩到了那个耳环。
Conversation A 会话A
Hi, Rob. 嗨,罗柏,
Something smells really good. 有东西闻起来好香啊。
Hi, Alex. Does it smell like a cheeseburger? 嗨,亚力克斯,闻起来像是吉士汉堡的味道吗?
Yes! How did you know? 没错!你怎么知道?
Haha. That's my lunch today. 哈哈,这是我今天的午餐,
I'm eating a cheeseburger! 我在吃吉士汉堡!
Oh! Now I'm hungry. 哦!这下我饿了,
It smells great. 闻起来真香,
But how does it taste? 可是吃起来怎么样呢?
It tastes great! 很美味!
You should order one! 你应该点一份!
I will! 我会的!
Conversation B 会话B
Hey, Abby. What is that sound? 嗨,雅碧,那是什么声音?
Hi, Susie. That's the janitor. 嗨,苏希,那是工友发出的声音。
What is he doing? 他在做什么?
He's really noisy! 还真吵哪!
He's fixing a window in Carol's office. 他在修理卡萝办公室里的一扇窗户。
Oh, OK. 哦,好吧。
What's that noise? 那是什么声音?
It sounds like someone's phone. 听起来像是谁的手机,
Is it yours? 是妳的吗?
No. It's Rob's phone. Why is it here? 不是,是罗柏的手机。他的手机为什么在这里?
I don't know. But I can take it to him. 我不知道, 不过我可以拿去给他。
Conversation C 会话C
What are you doing, Taylor? 泰乐,妳在做什么呀?
Oh, hi, Abby. 哦,嗨,雅碧。
I'm looking for my earring. It fell on the floor. 我在找我的耳环, 它掉到地上了。
I can help you. 我可以帮妳找。
Is your earring big or small? 妳的耳环是大还是小?
It is small. 小小的。
I don't see it. 我没看到。
Oh! I found it! 啊!我找到了!
Thank you. 谢谢妳,
How did you find it? 妳是怎么找到的?
I stepped on it! 我踩到了妳的耳环!
But I didn't break it! 可是我没有把它踩坏喔!