【大家说英语】 第268期:奇妙的感官知觉(2)(在线收听

 October 16 10月16日

Read it! 读读看!
Alex wants dessert! 亚力克斯想吃点心!
What should he have? 他该吃什么呢?
He can eat a delicious brownie. 他可以吃一块美味的布朗尼蛋糕。
No. He wants ice cream! 不, 他想吃冰淇淋!
Susie bought new earphones last week. 苏希上星期买了新的耳机,
Sometimes the office can be loud. 有时候办公室很吵,
Now she can listen to ukulele music so she can focus. 现在她可以听些乌克丽丽的音乐,藉此集中注意力。
Abby is wearing new shoes today. 雅碧今天穿了新鞋,
She stepped on something sticky. 她踩到了黏黏的东西,
Maybe a guest spilled something. 也许有个来宾把什么东西溅在地上。
Conversation A 会话A
My cheeseburger smelled great and tasted even better! 我的吉士汉堡闻起来很香,吃起来更是美味!
You're right. My cheeseburger tasted great, too. 你说得对。我的吉士汉堡也好好吃。
Now I'll have dessert. 现在我要吃点心了。
You're still hungry? 你还饿啊?
Of course! 当然啰!
OK. Do you want a delicious brownie? 好吧,你要一块美味的布朗尼蛋糕吗?
No. I don't want anything too sweet. 不要,我不想吃太甜的东西。
What about a piece of fresh apple pie? 那么一块刚出炉的苹果派怎么样?
No. I don't want anything too big. 不要,我不想吃太大的东西。
What about ice cream? 那冰淇淋怎么样?
That sounds great! 听起来很棒!
Conversation B 会话B
Hi, Abby. Thank you for your help today. 嗨,雅碧,谢谢妳今天的帮忙。
You're welcome, Susie. 苏希,不客气。
Hey, are those new earphones? 嘿,那是新的耳机吗?
Yes. I bought them last week. 是啊,我上礼拜买的,
I can listen to music at work. 我可以在工作的时候听音乐。
I like listening to music in the office, too. 我也喜欢在办公室里听音乐。
Sometimes the office can be very loud. 有时候办公室很吵,
It is hard to focus. 很难专心工作。
What music do you listen to? 妳听什么音乐?
Ukulele music! 乌克丽丽音乐!
Cool! 真酷!
Here. You can listen to some, too. 来,妳也可以听听看。
Conversation C 会话C
Oh, no. These are my new shoes! 糟糕,这双可是我的新鞋呀!
What's wrong, Abby? 雅碧,怎么了?
I stepped in something sticky. 我踩到了黏黏的东西。
Really? Where? 真的吗?在哪里?
Right here next to the table! 就在桌子旁边这里!
What is it? 是什么?
I don't know. Maybe a guest spilled something. 我不知道, 也许是某个来宾把什么东西溅在地上。
I'll clean it up before someone else steps in it. 我会把它清理掉,以免别人又踩到。
Thanks, Taylor. And I'll go clean my shoe! 谢了,泰乐,我去清理我的鞋子!