【大家说英语】 第270期:添购新家具(2)(在线收听

 October 20 10月20日

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Rob wants to buy a new armchair. 罗柏想要买一张新的单人扶手椅。
So Fun Sofas sells all kinds of furniture. “玩沙发”店贩卖各式各样的家具。
They have tables, sofas and different sets of chairs. 他们有餐桌、沙发和不同的椅子套组。
Abby is looking at a furniture magazine. 雅碧正在看一本家具杂志,
She hasn't been sleeping well and needs a new bed. 她最近一直睡不好,需要找一张新床。
She can go with Rob to the furniture store. 她可以和罗柏一起去家具行,
What else will Abby buy? 雅碧还会买什么呢?
Conversation A 会话A
Susie, do you know a good place to buy furniture? 苏希,妳知道哪里不错,可以买家具吗?
Sure! There's a store called So Fun Sofas. 当然知道!有一家店叫做“玩沙发”,
I bought a sofa there a few months ago. 我几个月前在那里买了一张沙发。
Oh! Are their prices good? 哦!他们的价格便宜吗?
They're OK. What do you want to buy? 还不错。你想买什么?
My armchair broke, and I want to get another one. 我的单人扶手椅坏了,我想再买一张。
You can buy one at So Fun Sofas. 你可以到“玩沙发”去买一张,
They have all kinds of furniture. 他们有各式各样的家具。
Great. Thanks, Susie. 太好了。苏希,谢了。
Conversation B 会话B
What are you doing, Abby? 雅碧,妳在做什么?
I'm looking at a furniture magazine. 我在看一本家具杂志。
Oh, why? 哦,为什么?
I haven't been sleeping well recently. 我最近都一直睡不好。
How is looking at a magazine going to help? 这样看杂志有什么帮助吗?
I think my bed is the problem. 我认为问题出在我的床。
It's old and really uncomfortable. 我的床很旧,睡起来很不舒服。
Maybe you should get a new one. 也许妳该买一张新床。
Rob is going to So Fun Sofas during lunch. 罗柏要利用午餐时间去“玩沙发”。
Great! Maybe I can go with him! 太好了!也许我可以和他一起去!
Conversation C 会话C
Did Rob find a new armchair at the furniture store, Abby? 雅碧,罗柏在家具行有找到新的扶手椅吗?
He did! He got it for a good price, too. 有!而且还用很划算的价钱买了呢。
Good. And you found a new bed? 真好。那妳呢?妳找到新的床了吗?
Yes! And I also bought a table and a set of chairs. 有!我还买了一张餐桌和一组椅子。
Wow! You bought a lot. 哇!妳买了好多。
I know. I spent a lot of money. 是啊。我花了很多钱,
But the store delivers everything for free. 可是那家店可以免费运送。
As long as you sleep like a baby tonight, it's worth it! 只要妳今天晚上睡得跟宝宝一样香甜,那就值得了!