【大家说英语】 第271期:要喝杯饮料么?(在线收听

 Lesson 9 Food 第九课 食物

October 21 10月21日
Do You Want a Drink? 要喝杯饮料吗?
Read it! 读读看!
A coffee truck is coming to the office. 一辆行动咖啡车即将来到办公室,
It drives to different businesses and sells coffee. 那辆咖啡车开到各家不同企业贩卖咖啡。
Abby is looking at the drink menu. 雅碧看着饮料单,
She wants an iced coffee. 她要一杯冰咖啡;
Rob wants an iced tea. 罗柏想要杯冰茶;
Susie wants something, too. 苏希也想喝点什么。
A latte? A cappuccino? 拿铁?卡布奇诺?
She can choose her drink and the size. 她可以选择自己的饮料和大小。
Conversation A 会话A
What are you looking at, Abby? 雅碧,妳在看什么?
It's a drink menu from The Coffee Stop. 这是“咖啡小站”的饮料单。
The coffee place? 那个卖咖啡的?
Yes. They have a truck now. 没错,他们现在有一辆行动咖啡车。
They drive it to different businesses. 他们会开到不同的公司去,
They make drinks in the truck. 在卡车上制作饮料。
Is the truck coming here today? 那辆行动咖啡车今天会过来吗?
Yes. It comes here at 3 p. m. 会,下午三点会过来。
Can I see the menu, too? 我也可以看看饮料单吗?
Conversation B 会话B
What do you want? 你想喝什么?
I don't know yet. 我还不知道。
What are you having? 妳要喝什么?
I am ordering an iced coffee. 我要点一杯冰咖啡,
But I want it without sugar. 可是我不要加糖。
Hmm... 嗯…
They have all kinds of coffee and tea drinks. 他们有各式各样的咖啡和茶饮。
They also have juice. 他们也有果汁。
No thanks. I want iced tea. 不要,谢谢。我要冰茶,
But I want it with lots of sugar! 可是我要加很多糖!
Conversation C 会话C
The coffee truck is here. Do you want to order something? 行动咖啡车来了, 妳想点些什么吗?
Yes. I need some coffee now! 要,我现在就需要来点咖啡!
Do you have a menu? 妳有饮料单吗?
Here. 在这里。
Hmmm, I want a latte. 嗯,我要一杯拿铁。
What size? 大杯还是小杯?
I want a large cup. 我要大杯。
Wait. Maybe I want a cappuccino. 等一下,也许我想喝卡布奇诺。
OK. What ─ 好,大杯还是…
No. I want a large iced coffee. 不要,我要大杯冰咖啡。
Are you sure? 妳确定了吗?
Maybe ... 也许吧…