【大家说英语】 第275期:生日蛋糕惊喜(在线收听

 Lesson 12 Mystery 第十二课 悬疑事件

October 28 10月28日
Mr. E's Birthday Cake 生日蛋糕惊喜
Today is my birthday. 今天是我的生日,
My birthday isn't my favorite day. 但是我的生日并不是我最喜欢的日子,
The day only comes once a year. And I'm glad about that. 我很庆幸这个日子一年只有一次。
No one knows today is my birthday. 没有人知道今天是我的生日,
I don't usually tell people. 我通常不会告诉别人。
I really don't like the question, "How old are you?" 我非常不喜欢别人问我:“你几岁了?”。
I walk to work at the police station. 我走路到警察局上班,
There is a box on my desk. 我的桌上有一个盒子。
Did someone get me a gift? 有人买礼物送我吗?
I pick up the box. 我拿起那个盒子,
I open the box. There is a cake in it. 打开来, 发现里面有个蛋糕。
The cake is chocolate with my favorite fruit. 那是个巧克力蛋糕,搭配我最喜欢的水果。
"Surprise!" Mr.F shouts from behind me. “惊喜!”F先生从我背后喊了一声。
"Which do you like more, surprises or birthdays?" He laughs. “你比较喜欢哪一个,惊喜还是生日?”
I don't like either. He knows that. 他笑着说。他明明知道,两者我都不喜欢。
Mr. F is my partner at the station. F先生是我在警察局的搭档,
He often tries to surprise me. 他经常想要让我吃惊,
I guess today isn't any different. 我猜想今天也不例外。
"I have one more surprise for you," he says. “我还有一个惊喜要给你,”他说。
I smile and say, "I know. Where is my mom?" 我微微一笑,说: “我知道, 我妈在哪里?”
This time Mr. F was surprised. 这次换F先生吃惊了,
"How do you know?" He asks. “你怎么知道?”他问。
"Only one person knows chocolate cake with strawberries is my favorite." “因为只有一个人知道巧克力蛋糕搭配草莓是我最喜欢的口味。”