【大家说英语】 第278期:午餐时间到!(在线收听

 Lesson 1 Food 第一课 饮食

November 2 10月2日
Time for Lunch! 午餐时间到!
Read it! 读读看!
Rob has a survey. 罗柏拿了一份意见调查表,
It is from the Jungle Cafe. 是丛林咖啡馆发的。
They are adding new items to their lunch menu. 他们的午餐菜单要增添新品项,
Maybe they can add a chicken salad sandwich! 也许他们可以增加鸡肉色拉三明治!
Taylor wants a hot ham and cheese sandwich. 泰乐想要热火腿吉士三明治。
Everyone loves spaghetti for lunch. 所有人午餐都喜欢吃意大利面。
What about Chinese food? 中国菜如何?
No! It's a cafe, not a Chinese restaurant! 不行!这是一家咖啡馆,不是中式餐厅!
Conversation A 会话A
What are you doing, Rob? 罗柏,你在做什么?
I'm taking a survey. 我在填写一份意见调查表,
It's from the Jungle Cafe. 是丛林咖啡馆发的。
What's the survey for? 这份意见调查表是要做什么用的?
They are adding new lunch items to their menu! 他们的菜单想要增加新的午餐品项!
So they want our ideas. 所以他们想知道我们的想法。
Exactly. Here! 没错。给妳!
You can take the survey, too. 妳也可以填写意见调查表。
Thanks! Hmm ... 谢了!嗯…
Let me think about it for a while! 给我一点时间想想看!
Conversation B 会话B
Abby? Are you OK? 雅碧?妳还好吗?
Hi, Taylor! Yes. I'm just thinking about this survey. 嗨,泰乐!我很好,我只是在想这份意见调查表的内容。
The one for the Jungle Cafe? 是丛林咖啡馆的那份意见调查表吗?
Maybe they can add more sandwiches to the menu. 也许他们可以在菜单里多增加一些三明治选择。
Good idea. They should have a chicken salad sandwich! 好主意。他们应该供应鸡肉色拉三明治!
That sounds delicious! 听起来很美味!
Or how about a hot ham and cheese sandwich? 来个热火腿吉士三明治怎么样?
Mmm! Those are good ideas! 嗯!这些主意都很不错!
Conversation C 会话C
What are you writing for the survey? 你为了这个意见调查在表上面写了什么?
Spaghetti! People love spaghetti for lunch. 意大利面!大家都喜欢午餐吃意大利面。
I didn't think about spaghetti. Good idea! 我没想到意大利面, 好主意!
What are you writing on the survey? 你在意见调查表上写了什么?
Well, people also love Chinese food! 嗯,大家也都喜欢中国菜!
So the cafe needs some. 所以丛林咖啡馆应该供应一些中国菜。
Maybe. 也许吧,
But this is not that kind of restaurant. 不过这里不是那种餐厅,
It's a cafe! 这里是咖啡馆!