【大家说英语】 第279期:午餐时间到!(2)(在线收听

 November 3 12月3日

Read it! 读读看!
The Jungle Cafe is now serving new items! 丛林咖啡馆现在开始供应新品项了!
Abby sees some healthy lunch choices. 雅碧看见一些有益健康的午餐选择。
Alex suggested Chinese food. 亚力克斯提议中国菜,
But that isn't easy to make! 可是中国菜不容易料理!
Abby wants to order a hotdog. 雅碧想要点一份热狗,
They are grilled. 热狗是用烤的。
Rob is happy. 罗柏很开心,
Grilled hotdogs are delicious. 烤热狗很美味,
He doesn't like boiled hotdogs. 他不喜欢水煮热狗。
Conversation A 会话A
Wow! Look at this menu! 哇!看看这份菜单!
It looks great! 看起来很棒!
This is a good place to have lunch. 这是个吃午餐的好地方。
Yes. This restaurant has so many choices! 没错,这家餐厅有好多选择!
Look at all the different kinds of salads. 看看各种不同种类的色拉。
Hey! Maybe the Jungle Cafe can serve dishes like these. 嘿,说不定丛林咖啡馆也可以供应像这样的餐点。
That's a good idea. 好主意。
We can find some good dishes. 我们可以从中找出一些好的餐点,
Then we can write them on the survey! 再写在意见调查表上!
Conversation B 会话B
They have hotdogs now. This is great! 他们现在有热狗了, 真棒!
That was my idea. 那是我的点子。
And look! They have more healthy lunch choices, too! 你看!他们也有一些比较健康的午餐选择!
Alex, why do you look upset? 亚力克斯,你为什么看起来不开心的样子呢?
I wrote a lot of ideas on the survey. 我在意见调查表上写了很多点子,
They didn't use any of them! 可是他们完全没有采用!
What did you write? 你写了什么?
He suggested Chinese food. 他建议要有中国菜,
But that isn't easy to make! 可是中国菜料理起来不容易!
Conversation C 会话C
I'm going to have a hotdog. They look good. 我要一份热狗, 看起来很好吃。
Are they grilled? 是烤的吗?
Look at the picture. 你看图片,
They look grilled to me! 我觉得看起来是烤的!
Good! Grilled hotdogs are delicious. 好!烤热狗很美味,
But I don't like boiled hotdogs. 我不喜欢水煮热狗。
Are you guys ready to order? I'm hungry! 你们准备好要点菜了吗?我饿了!
Me, too! I know what I want. 我也饿了!我知道我要点什么。
Great! Then let's order. 太棒了!那我们就来点菜吧。