【大家说英语】 第281期:赛跑大赛(2)(在线收听

 November 6 12月6日

Read it! 读读看!
Abby and Alex finished the race! 雅碧和亚力克斯完成了赛跑!
The race raised money for the hospital. 这是一场为医院募款的赛跑。
But Alex didn't warm up enough before the race. 不过,亚力克斯在赛跑前暖身
During the race, he had to rest on the sidewalk for a while. 不够, 以致途中不得不在人行道上休息一会儿。
His hip and back hurt after the race. 他的臀部和背部在赛跑结束后很酸痛,
Alex recovered from the run. 但亚力克斯的身体从跑步后的不适恢复了。
And now he will always warm up before running. 现在,他跑步前一定都会暖身。
Don't forget a water bottle! 别忘了带水瓶!
Conversation A 会话A
So, Alex, how was the race? 亚力克斯,赛跑结果如何?
It was a good experience. 那是一次很好的体验,
But I had to walk the last kilometer of the race. 可是我最后一公里不得不用走的。
I'm sorry to hear that. 听到这样我很遗憾。
What happened? 发生什么事了?
I didn't warm up well enough before the race. 我在赛跑前暖身不够,
Then I got tired and had to rest on the sidewalk. 结果跑得太累,必须在人行道上休息一会儿。
How do you feel now? 你现在觉得怎么样?
I'm sore! 很酸痛!
My right hip and my back really hurt. 我的右臀和后背都很痛。
Conversation B 会话B
Hey, Susie, I just read about the race in the news. 嘿,苏希,我刚看了那场赛跑的新闻报导,
The race raised a lot of money. 那场赛跑募到了很多钱耶。
Great! What did it raise money for? 太棒了!募款是为了什么?
It raised money for the hospital. 那场赛跑是为医院募款,
The money can buy things the hospital needs. 这笔钱是要用来买医院需要的物资。
Hey, maybe next time we should all run! 嘿,说不定下一次我们全都应该去参加赛跑!
Run a 15-kilometer race? 跑十五公里的赛跑?
No thanks! 不用了,谢谢!
I'll just cheer for all of you at the finish line instead! 我在终点线为你们所有人欢呼加油就好了!
Conversation C 会话C
Hey, Alex, are you feeling better? 嘿,亚力克斯,你觉得好点了没?
Yes, I am. I've recovered from the race. 好多了,我已经从赛跑后的不适当中恢复了很多,
Rest is really important! 休息真的很重要!
And so is warming up! 暖身也是!
I agree! Now I'll always warm up well before a run. 我同意!现在我跑步前一定会先暖身。
So why do you have a water bottle with you now? 你现在为什么随身带着一个水瓶?
I'm running after work. 我下班后要去跑步。
You're going to run again? 你又要跑?
You don't quit, do you? 你从来不放弃,对不对?