【大家说英语】 第291期:火车旅行(2)(在线收听

 November 20 11月20日

Read it! 读读看!
Alex rode the high speed railway in Taiwan. 亚力克斯搭过台湾的高铁,
It goes 300 kilometers per hour! 时速可以达到三百公里!
But his favorite train trip is along Taiwan's east coast. 可是他最喜欢的火车旅途是沿着台湾的东岸,
He can see mountains and the ocean. 他可以欣赏山与海的美丽风景。
Abby doesn't ride trains. They are too slow. 雅碧不喜欢搭火车, 火车速度太慢了,
She likes to get to her destination quickly. 她喜欢快点抵达目的地。
Rob wants to take the train down the west coast next summer. 罗柏明年夏天想要搭乘火车到西岸,
Then he doesn't have to sit in traffic. 这样他就不必塞在车阵中了。
Conversation A 会话A
Rob really enjoyed his dinner train trip. 罗柏非常享受他的晚餐列车旅程。
Yes. He told me about it. 是啊,他跟我说了。
The food was really good. 车上的餐点非常好。
Let's go on a trip sometime. 我们找个时间一起去旅行吧。
Sure. Alex, do you like trains? 好啊。亚力克斯,你喜欢搭火车吗?
I do. I rode trains all the time in Taiwan. 我喜欢。我在台湾常常搭火车,
They're very convenient and fast, too. 不但方便,速度也很快。
How fast? 速度有多快?
Well, the high speed railway trains go 300 kilometers per hour. 这个嘛,高铁的列车时速可以达到三百公里。
Wow, that's fast! 哇,那真的很快!
Conversation B 会话B
My favorite train trip is along Taiwan's east coast. 我最喜欢的火车旅途是沿着台湾东岸。
Why? 为什么?
The scenery is beautiful. 那里的风景很美,
You see mountains on one side of the train and the ocean on the other. 在火车的一侧可以看见山景,另一侧可以看见海景。
That does sound beautiful. 听起来确实很美。
I took a train across Canada one time. 我有一次搭乘火车横越加拿大。
That would be a long trip! 那一定是一段很长的旅程!
It was. It took about four days. 没错。我搭了四天左右,
And sleeping on the train was really fun. 睡在火车上的卧铺很好玩。
Conversation C 会话C
Abby, do you like to travel by train? 雅碧,妳喜欢搭火车旅行吗?
No. Trains are too slow. 不喜欢,火车速度太慢了,
I like getting to my destination quickly. 我喜欢快一点抵达目的地。
I don't. I enjoy a slow trip sometimes. 我不会那么觉得,有时候我喜欢慢活的旅程。
Next summer, I want to take the train down the west coast. 明年夏天,我要搭火车到西岸去。
Have fun. 开心的玩。
I will! I don't have to sit in traffic. 我会的!我不必塞在车阵里,
I can relax and talk to people. 可以好好放松,和别人谈话。
That's my kind of vacation! 这才是我喜欢的度假方式!