【大家说英语】 第293期:我要成为作家!(2)(在线收听

 November 24 11月24日

Read it! 读读看!
The library had a poetry contest! 图书馆举办了一场诗作大赛!
Alex and Abby both entered poems in the contest. 亚力克斯与雅碧都提出作品参加比赛,
Who won the contest? Alex did! 谁赢了?是亚力克斯!
The library has free copies of the best poems. 图书馆印制了最杰出的诗作。
Taylor asks Alex some questions. 泰乐问了亚力克斯一些问题。
What inspired him to write the poem? 是什么激发他的灵感写那首诗?
Well, a photo can show colors. 这个嘛,照片可以显示色彩,
But poems can describe many smells and sounds. 但诗可以描写许多气味与各种声音的感觉。
Conversation A 会话A
Look, Taylor! Alex's poem is in this book. 泰乐,看!亚力克斯的诗在这本诗集里,
It has all the best poems from the library's poetry contest. 这里面收录了图书馆诗作大赛中最杰出的诗。
Oh! Do they have free copies at the library? 哦!到图书馆可以免费拿到这本诗集吗?
Yes. They do. 可以。
Who won the contest? 谁赢了比赛?
Alex did! 亚力克斯!
Wow. I didn't know he wrote poems. 哇,我不晓得他会写诗。
Me, neither! 我也不知道!
Maybe I can interview him. 也许我可以访问他,
He can tell me about the contest. 让他跟我谈谈那场比赛。
Conversation B 会话B
Alex entered a poem in the contest! I didn't know that. 亚力克斯写了一首诗参加比赛!我都不知道。
I know. He didn't tell anyone. 是啊,他没有告诉任何人。
He won the contest. 他赢得了比赛。
I entered a poem, too. But I didn't win anything. 我也写了一首诗参加, 可是没有获得任何名次。
Really? I'm sorry, Abby. 真的吗?雅碧,为妳感到遗憾。
It's OK. I'm still happy for Alex. 没关系,我还是替亚力克斯感到高兴。
Maybe you can try again next year. 说不定妳明年可以再试一次。
Yeah, I would like that! 没错,我就想这么做!
Conversation C 会话C
What inspired you to write your poem, Alex? 亚力克斯,是什么灵感激发你写下那首诗呢?
Well, Abby and I went to Washington, D. C. in September. 这个嘛,雅碧和我在九月去了华府一趟。
You really loved the autumn weather. 你非常喜欢秋天的天气。
I did. And I wanted to share that experience. 没错,而且我想分享那次的经验。
Why don't you just show a picture? 你为什么不展示张照片就好?
Why write a poem? 为什么要写诗?
A photo can show colors. 照片可以显示色彩,
But poems can describe other things, too. 可是诗能够描写其他东西,
It can describe smells and sounds! 还能够描写出各种气味与声音交织的美!