【大家说英语】 第294期:爆胎了!(在线收听

 Lesson 11 Talk About It 第十一课 主题讨论

November 25 11月25日
The Flat Tire 爆胎了!
Mickey loved to play the guitar. 米奇喜欢弹吉他,
He needed some new strings. 他需要买几条新弦。
He could walk to the music store. 他可以走路到乐器行去,
But if he borrowed his friend's bike, he could get there faster. 可是如果借朋友的脚踏车,他就可以快一点抵达。
Mickey went to his friend's home, but he wasn't there. 米奇到了朋友家,可是他不在家。
Mickey called his phone, but there was no answer. 米奇拨了他的手机,可是没有人接。
"I'll borrow the bike and bring it back before he notices," Mickey thought. “我就直接把脚踏车骑走,在他发现之前骑回来就好了,”米奇心想。
So he took the bike without permission. 于是,他没有征得同意就把脚踏车骑走了。
In ten minutes, Mickey was at the music store. 才花十分钟,米奇就到了乐器行。
He tried one of the guitars at the store. 他试弹店里的一把吉他,
The owner came over to him. 老板走了过来,
"Hey, Mickey, maybe you can work here next summer. “嘿,米奇,说不定你明年夏天可以来这里工作,
Then you can earn money to buy this guitar." 这样你就可以赚钱买这把吉他。”
"That would be great," said Mickey. “这样就太好了。”米奇说,
"Right now I only have enough money for new guitar strings," Mickey said. “现在我的钱只够买新的吉他弦。”米奇说。
He bought the strings and started for home. 他买了弦后,就动身回家。
On the way, Mickey got a flat tire. 在路上,脚踏车有一个轮胎爆胎了,
He had to push the bike and walk the rest of the way home. 剩下的路途米奇只好推着脚踏车走回去。
He didn't know what to do. 他不知道该怎么办,
Should he return the bike and not say anything? 他该把脚踏车放回去,然后什么也不说吗?
Should he tell his friend? 还是他该告诉他的朋友?
He didn't want to upset his friend. 他不想惹恼他的朋友,
Mickey didn't have enough time to get a new tire. 可是米奇也没有足够的时间去换新胎。
His friend would notice the bike was gone. 他的朋友一定会发现脚踏车不见了。
What should he do? 他该怎么办?
What would you do? 你会怎么办?