【大家说英语】 第295期:感恩节快乐!(在线收听

 Lesson 12 Holiday 第十二课 假期

November 26 11月26日
Happy Thanksgiving! 感恩节快乐!
Read it! 读读看!
Susie is asking people about Thanksgiving. 苏希针对感恩节在访问众人,
They are thankful for many things. 大家都对许多事情心怀感恩。
One lady is thankful for good health. 一名女士对于有好的健康心怀感恩;
One man is thankful for a holiday. 一名男子对于能够放假心怀感恩,
He can spend time at home with his family. 因为这样他就可以待在家里陪伴家人;
Another lady loves Thanksgiving food. 另一名女士喜爱感恩节的美食,
Her mother cooks a big Thanksgiving dinner. 她的母亲会煮丰盛的感恩节晚餐,
She eats a turkey with her family. 她和家人一起享用火鸡。
Conversation A 会话A
Hello! Happy Thanksgiving! 哈啰!感恩节快乐!
May I talk to you for a minute? 我可以和妳谈一下话吗?
Sure. 没问题。
What are you thankful for this year? 妳今年对什么事情感恩呢?
That's a great question! 这问题很棒!
I am thankful for many things. 我对许多事情都很感恩,
I'm really thankful for my family and friends. 我对我的家人和朋友深深感恩。
Yes. Many people are thankful for those things. 是的,许多人都对这些事心怀感恩。
I'm also thankful for good health. 我也对有好的健康而感恩。
Conversation B 会话B
Hello! Do you have time to answer a few questions? 哈啰!请问你有时间回答几个问题吗?
Yes, I do. 可以。
What do you like best about Thanksgiving? 你最喜欢感恩节的什么方面?
I am thankful for a holiday! 我很感恩能够放假!
I can stay home and spend time with my family. 我可以和家人待在家里。
What do you do? 你们会做什么事?
We talk and play games together. That's fun. 我们会一起聊天、玩游戏, 很好玩的。
Conversation C 会话C
Hello! Do you like Thanksgiving? 哈啰!妳喜欢感恩节吗?
Sure!  Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. 当然喜欢!感恩节是我最喜欢的节日之一。
Why is that? 为什么?
I love Thanksgiving food! 我很喜欢感恩节的美食!
Do you eat turkey? 妳吃火鸡吗?
Oh, yes. My mother cooks a big dinner. 是啊,我妈妈会煮一顿丰盛的晚餐。
Do you eat with your family? 妳和家人一起吃饭吗?
Yes! My family eats together. We talk and laugh about many things. 没错!我们全家人会一起用餐。我们聊天,一同为许多事情而欢笑。
That's wonderful. 真幸福。