【大家说英语】 第296期:感恩节快乐!(2)(在线收听

 November 27 11月27日

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At Thanksgiving, Alex ate turkey and sweet potatoes. 在感恩节时,亚力克斯吃了火鸡和地瓜,
He also ate stuffing and pumpkin pie! 他还吃了火鸡内馅和南瓜派!
Rob will eat another Thanksgiving dinner tonight. 罗柏今晚还会吃另一顿感恩节晚餐,
But he will do something active first. 不过他会先运动一下。
Alex talks about Mid-Autumn Festival. 亚力克斯谈起中秋节,
He eats lots of good food then, too. 他在那个节日也会吃很多好吃的东西。
He doesn't eat turkey. 他不吃火鸡,
That's not popular. 火鸡在他的国家并不那么受欢迎,
His family barbecues meat outside. 但他的家人会在户外烤肉。
Conversation A 会话A
Did you enjoy your Thanksgiving, Alex? 亚力克斯,你的感恩节过得开心吗?
Yes, I did. The turkey was really good. 过得很开心。火鸡很好吃,
I liked the sweet potatoes, too. 我也喜欢地瓜。
Did you eat any stuffing? 你有吃火鸡内馅吗?
I love that. 我很爱吃火鸡的内馅。
Yes! I also really liked the pumpkin pie! 有!我也很喜欢南瓜派!
Everything was very good. 所有东西都非常好吃,
But I ate too much! 可是我吃太多了!
Well, We only celebrate Thanksgiving once a year. 这个嘛,我们一年只庆祝感恩节一次,
Maybe that's a good thing! 也许这是一件好事!
I agree! 我同意!
Conversation B 会话B
What are you doing later, Rob? 罗柏,你等一下要做什么?
Some friends invited me to their house tonight. 有朋友邀请我今晚到他们家去,
I'll eat Thanksgiving dinner again! 我会再吃一顿感恩节晚餐!
Do something active this afternoon or you won't be hungry. 那你今天下午要动一动,否则肚子不会饿。
I know. Maybe I'll take a long walk. 我知道,也许我会去散一段很长的步。
Good idea. 好主意。
What are you thankful for? 你对什么事感恩?
You can think about that. 可以想想这个问题。
I will! I have a lot to be thankful for! 我会的!我有很多需要感恩的事情!
Conversation C 会话C
Do Chinese people celebrate Thanksgiving? 华人会庆祝感恩节吗?
No. But we have a holiday called Mid-Autumn Festival. 不会,可是我们有个节日,叫做中秋节。
Everyone goes home for that festival. 在那个节日,大家都会回家,
And families share a big meal. 和家人一起共享一顿大餐。
Do you eat turkey? 他们会吃火鸡吗?
No! Turkey isn't a popular food in Asia. 不会!火鸡在亚洲并不那么受欢迎,
We barbecue meat outside and eat other delicious foods. 但我们会在户外烤肉,并且吃其他美味的食物。
And you eat a lot. 而且你们会吃很多。
Of course! We only celebrate the holiday once a year! 当然啦!这个节日一年只庆祝一次嘛!