【大家说英语】 第297期:买新衣服(在线收听

 Lesson 13 Fashion 第十三课 时尚

November 30 11月30日
New Clothes 买新衣
Read it! 读读看!
Alex needs some new winter clothes. 亚力克斯需要一些新的冬季服装,
He needs a warm jacket and some sweaters. 他需要一件温暖的夹克和几件毛衣。
Susie needs new boots for winter. 苏希需要买双新靴子抗寒,
They both need to go shopping. 他们两人都必须去购物。
Rob goes shopping with Alex. 罗柏陪亚力克斯一起去购物,
He buys a pair of pants. 他买了一条长裤,
Alex buys sweaters, pants and wool socks. 亚力克斯买了毛衣、长裤和毛袜。
They are ready for winter! 他们准备好迎接冬天了!
Conversation A 会话A
Rob, where do you shop? 罗柏,你都在哪里买东西?
What do you mean, Alex? 亚力克斯,什么意思?
Where do I shop for what? 我都在哪里买什么东西?
For clothes. 买衣服。
I usually shop at the mall. Why? 我通常都在购物中心买,为什么这么问?
I need some new clothes. 我需要一些新衣服,
The weather is getting cold. 天气愈来愈冷了。
You need a warm jacket. 你需要一件温暖的夹克。
I do. I need sweaters and warm pants, too. 没错。我也需要毛衣和温暖的长裤。
I need some new clothes, too. 我也需要一些新衣服,
Let's go shopping together. 我们一起去买吧。
Conversation B 会话B
Brrr! The weather is cold today. 哎唷,今天天气好冷。
It is. Fall is here, and winter is coming. 的确。现在是秋天,冬天也快来了。
I need new boots for winter. 我需要买双新靴子抗寒。
I need new winter clothes. 我需要新的冬衣,
None of mine look very good. 我的冬季衣服都不太好看。
So you need to go shopping. 所以妳需要去逛街买衣服。
I do. But I'm not excited about it. 没错。可是我不觉得兴奋,
I don't like shopping for winter clothes! 我不喜欢买冬季服装!
Conversation C 会话C
Hey, Rob. Is that a new sweater? 嘿,罗柏,那是新毛衣吗?
I like the color. 我喜欢这个颜色。
Thanks, Abby. Alex and I went clothes shopping yesterday. 雅碧,谢谢妳的夸奖,亚力克斯和我昨天去买衣服。
Did you buy a lot? 你们买了很多吗?
No. I just got this sweater and a pair of pants. 没有,我只买了这件毛衣和一条长裤。
What did Alex buy? 亚力克斯买了什么?
He got three sweaters, pants, wool socks and a warm jacket. 他买了三件毛衣、长裤、毛袜还有一件温暖的夹克。
So he's ready for cold weather! 那他已经准备好迎接冷天气啰!