【大家说英语】 第298期:爱做手工(在线收听

 Lesson 1 Hobbies 第一课 嗜好

December 1 12月1日
Crafts, Cards and Candles 爱做手工
Read it! 读读看!
What is Taylor doing? 泰乐在做什么?
She's making candles! 她在做蜡烛!
Christmas is coming. 圣诞节就要来了,
She can decorate her house with the candles. 她可以用蜡烛妆点家里。
Abby likes making her own crafts. 雅碧喜欢制作自己的工艺品,
She is making her own paper. 她正在做自己的纸张。
She can make special cards with it. 她可以用这些纸张制作特别的卡片,
She can send them to her friends. 寄给她的朋友。
Does Susie make things? 苏希也会制作东西吗?
Yes. She makes soap! 会,她会做香皂!
Conversation A 会话A
Hey, Taylor. That's a nice candle. 嘿,泰乐,那蜡烛真不错,
Where did you buy it? 妳是在哪里买的?
I didn't buy it. I made it. 不是买的,是我做的。
You did? 真的吗?
Yes. I make candles for Christmas every year. 是啊,我每年都会为庆祝圣诞节而做些蜡烛,
I decorate my house with them. 我会用蜡烛妆点我的家。
That's a lot of work. 还真费工夫哪。
I know. But it is fun. 是啊,可是很好玩。
Can you make me a candle? 妳可以帮我做一根蜡烛吗?
Sure! I can make you a nice Christmas candle. 当然可以!我可以为妳做一根美丽的圣诞蜡烛。
Conversation B 会话B
Guess what? I'm making my own paper this Christmas! 你知道吗?我今年圣诞节要做我自己的纸!
Really? Why? 真的吗?为什么?
I like making crafts. 我喜欢动手做手工艺品,
I mail Christmas cards to my friends. 我会寄圣诞卡给我的朋友们。
You can buy cards. 妳可以去买卡片啊。
I know. But I can make the cards with my own paper. 我知道,但是我可以用我自己做的纸制作卡片,
Then my cards can be really special! 这样我的卡片就会非常特别!
Or you can just buy paper. 或者妳也可以去买纸就好。
Conversation C 会话C
What's wrong, Taylor? 泰乐,怎么了?
I'm tired. I'm making candles at home. 我好累。我在家里做蜡烛,
It's not easy. 实在不容易。
Do you make things, Susie? 苏希,妳会手工做什么东西吗?
Yes. I make soap! 会,我会做香皂!
I just made some last night. 我昨晚才做了一些。
Here, have some! 来,给妳一块!
Wow! Thank you. 哇!谢谢妳。
Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐!
I make soap every December. Then I give it to my friends. 我每年十二月都会做香皂, 再送给朋友。
Thank you, Susie! 苏希,谢谢妳!
What a great present 这礼物真棒!