【大家说英语】 第300期:接听电话(在线收听

 Lesson 3 Small Talk 第三课 闲聊

December 3 12月3日
Answer the Phone 接听电话
Read it! 读读看!
Abby is not here today. 雅碧今天不在,
Who can answer the office phone? 谁能帮忙接办公室的电话呢?
Taylor asks Alex to help. 泰乐请亚力克斯帮忙,
He has a good voice. 他的声音很好听,
He speaks clearly and does not mumble. 他说话说得很清楚,
Alex also has very good manners. 不会把话含在嘴里咕哝着。
He can tell people his name and the name of the company. 亚力克斯也很有礼貌, 他可以告知自己的姓名和公司名称给对方,
Then he can ask, "How can I help you?" “请问有什么需要我帮忙的地方吗?”
Now the phone is ringing! 电话响了!
Alex can answer it. 亚力克斯可以接。
Conversation A 会话A
Hi, Alex. Are you busy today? 嗨,亚力克斯,你今天忙吗?
No, I'm not too busy, Taylor. Why? 不会,我没有很忙,泰乐,为什么这么问?
Can you sit at Abby's desk and answer the phone? 你可以坐在雅碧的位子上,帮忙接电话吗?
Carol asked me to find someone. 卡萝要我找个人帮忙接电话。
Where is Abby? 雅碧去那儿了呢?
She's not here today. 她今天不在。
So can you answer the office phone? 你可以帮忙接办公室的电话吗?
What about my other work? 那我另外的工作怎么办?
You can do your other work between calls. 没有电话的时候,你就可以做自己的工作。
Conversation B 会话B
I can't do two things at the same time! 我没办法同时做两件事情呀!
Right. Focus on each call. 没错,每一通电话都要专心接,
That's good manners. 这样才有礼貌。
Yes, but ... 我知道,可是…
You have a good voice, Alex. 你的嗓音很好听,亚力克斯,
You always speak clearly. 你说起话来总是很清楚。
So people can understand me! 这样别人才听得懂我在说什么呀!
That is important. 这点很重要。
Some people mumble on the phone. 有些人讲电话会把话含在嘴里咕哝着,
I don't like that. 我不喜欢那样。
OK. Sure, I can answer the office phone. 好吧,没问题,我可以接办公室的电话。
Thanks, Alex. 亚力克斯,谢了。
Conversation C 会话C
So what do I say? 那我要说什么?
Say the name of our company, then your name. 先报出我们公司的名称,然后再说你自己的姓名。
OK. 好。
"LTE TV, this is Alex." “LTE电视台,我是亚力克斯。”
That's good. 很好。
Maybe you can ask, "How can I help you?" “请问有什么需要我帮忙的地方吗?”
Of course! 没问题!
Great! 太好了!
I hear something. 我听到了什么声音。
The phone is ringing! 电话铃响了!
My first call! 我的第一通来电服务!