【大家说英语】 第303期:遥控玩具(2)(在线收听

 December 8 12月8日

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Randy has all kinds of remote-controlled toys. 兰迪拥有各式各样的遥控玩具。
He keeps a tiny helicopter on his desk. 他的桌上放着一架小直升机,
It uses batteries for power. 是用电池提供动力的。
Besides helicopters, he also has cars and planes. 除了直升机以外,他还有车子和飞机。
But he doesn't fly the planes indoors. 可是他不会在室内玩遥控飞机,
He flies them in large open areas. 而是在宽阔的开放地区飞。
He can lend Rob a toy to play with! 他可以把一个遥控玩具借给罗柏玩!
Conversation A 会话A
Thanks for joining us today, Randy. 兰迪,谢谢你今天来到我们的节目。
Thanks! I'm excited to talk about all kinds of remote-controlled toys with you! 谢谢!我很兴奋能够和你谈论各式各样的遥控玩具!
Great! Let's start by talking about remote-controlled cars. 太好了!我们先从遥控汽车谈起吧。
What do they use for power? 遥控汽车是用什么动力?
Some use electricity, and others use gas. 有些用电,有些用汽油。
Cars that use gas are really fast! 那些用汽油的遥控汽车跑得非常快!
But you can't drive those cars indoors, right? 可是那种遥控汽车不能在室内玩,对不对?
Right. That would be a bad idea. 没错,那会是个坏主意。
Conversation B 会话B
Are there any toys you can use indoors? 有什么玩具是可以在室内玩的吗?
Yes. I keep a tiny remote-controlled helicopter on my desk. 有。我的桌上有一架小型遥控直升机,
I can use it anytime I want! 我随时想玩就可以玩!
But aren't you a little too old to play with toys? 可是你这个年纪玩玩具不嫌有点太大了吗?
Not at all! You're never too old to play with remote-controlled toys! 一点都不会!玩遥控玩具几岁都不嫌老!
I can lend you one. You'll see! 我可以借你一个玩具, 你玩了就知道!
Thanks. I'll just ask for one for my birthday! 谢了,我会在我生日的时候请别人送我一台遥控玩具!
Conversation C 会话C
Besides cars and helicopters, do you have other things that are remote-controlled? 除了车子和直升机之外,你还有其他遥控玩具吗?
Of course! I have planes, too. 当然有!我还有飞机。
Some use gas, others use batteries. 有些飞机使用汽油,有些使用电池。
Wow! Where do you fly them? 哇!你都在哪里飞这些飞机?
I fly them in large open spaces. 我都在宽阔的开放空间飞,
I choose places without a lot of people, trees or buildings. 我选择在人、树木还有建筑物都不多的地方玩。
Can you use them in the winter? 遥控飞机可以在冬天飞吗?
Sure. But I don't use them when it's raining or snowing. 当然可以,可是我不会在下雨天或下雪的时候玩。