【大家说英语】 第309期:玩具店(在线收听

 Lesson 8 Mystery 第八课 悬疑事件

December 16 12月16日
The Toy Store 玩具店
On Saturday morning, I get a call. 我在星期六上午接到一通电话,
The call is from a toy store. 是一家玩具店打来的。
Someone stole some toys last night. 昨晚有人偷了玩具。
I go to the store and look around. 我到那家店去,四处看了看,
There are decorations everywhere. 店里到处都是装饰品。
And I see a broken window. 我看到一扇被打破的窗户。
I talk to the manager. 我找经理谈话。
"What did the thief steal?" “小偷偷了什么?”
The manager says, 经理答道:
"The thief stole ten Furry Friends. They are very popular toys." “小偷偷了十个毛朋友, 那些是很热门的玩具。”
"Who helped you decorate the store?" I ask. “是谁帮你装饰店里?”我问。
"My employee Sam─well, my former employee Sam," the manager tells me. “我的员工山姆──呃,应该说是我的前员工山姆,”经理对我说。
"I know Sam," I say. "What happened?" “我认识山姆,”我说, “发生了什么事?”
"Sam was always late. “山姆每天都迟到。
I gave him one more chance to be on time yesterday. 我昨天又给了他一次准时上班的机会,
He was late again. I fired him. He was angry." 结果他还是迟到, 于是我开除了他。他很生气。”
"I must talk to Sam," I say. “我必须和山姆谈谈,”
"He might know something." 我说, “他可能会知道些什么。”
I find Sam. 我找上山姆。
"Hey, Sam," I say. “嘿,山姆,”我说,
"How's your job at the toy store?" “你在玩具店的工作怎么样啦?”
"I don't work there anymore," Sam answers. “我现在不在那里工作了,”山姆回答,
"The manager fired me for no reason." “那位经理无缘无故开除了我。”
"Did you steal some toys to get even?" I ask. “你有没有为了报复而偷窃玩具呢?”我问。
"No! I didn't steal any Furry Friend toys," says Sam. “没有!我没有偷毛朋友,”山姆说。
"Oh, yes, you did," I answer. “你才有呢,”我答道,
"Return them to the store today." “今天就把那些玩具拿去店里还。”
"How did you know?" Sam asks. “你怎么知道的?”山姆问。