【大家说英语】 第310期:去电动游乐场(在线收听

 Lesson 9 Entertainment 第九课 娱乐

December 17 12月17日
Let's Go to the Arcade! 去电动游乐场玩吧!
Read it! 读读看!
Rob went to the arcade this weekend! 罗柏这周末去了电动游乐场!
He played a lot of games. 他玩了许多游戏。
Alex is good at dance games. 亚力克斯很擅长玩舞蹈游戏,
He can step on the buttons really fast. 他可以用很快的速度踩在踏板上。
Rob and Alex are both good at the basketball game. 罗柏与亚力克斯都很擅长玩篮球机。
It's a simple game. 那是一项简单的游戏,
But who will win? 可是谁会赢呢?
Who can get more points? 谁能得到比较多的分数?
Conversation A 会话A
Hi Rob! How was your weekend? 嗨,罗柏!你周末过得如何呀?
Hi, Taylor. My weekend was great! I went to the arcade. 嗨,泰乐,我周末过得很棒!我去了电动游乐场。
The arcade! Really? Is it a new arcade? 电动游乐场!真的吗?是新开的吗?
No! It's old. It's by the movie theater. 不是!那家游乐场已经开很久了, 在电影院旁边。
Oh. Did you have fun? 哦,你玩得开心吗?
Yes. I had a lot of fun. 玩得很开心。
It's really cool. I played a lot of games. 那里很酷, 我玩了很多游戏。
Conversation B 会话B
Rob is taking Taylor to the arcade tonight. 罗柏今晚要带泰乐去电动游乐场。
I want to go, too! I love the arcade. 我也想去!我很喜欢电动游乐场。
Maybe you can go with them. 也许你可以和他们一起去,
They have dance games there. 那里有舞蹈机。
I'm good at those. 我很擅长玩舞蹈机,
I can step on the buttons really fast. 我可以很快地踩在踏板上。
Susie, why don't you come, too? 苏希,妳何不一起来玩?
OK. I'm not good at arcade games. 好吧。我不擅长电动游戏,
But I can watch you play! 但是我可以看你们玩!
Conversation C 会话C
Do you play the basketball game at the arcade? 你在电动游乐场有玩篮球机吗?
Of course. It's a simple game. 当然有,那个游戏很简单,
I'm good at that game. 我很擅长。
Well, I'm the best at that game. 是吗,那个游戏我最拿手了,
I can get more points than you. 我得到的分数会比你多的。
I don't think so. 我可不这么认为。
We'll see. Let's play a game at the arcade tonight! 到时候就知道, 我们今晚就到电动游乐场去玩一局!
OK. I'm going to win! 好,我一定会赢的!