【大家说英语】 第313期:姜饼屋(2)(在线收听

 December 22 12月22日

Read it! 读读看!
Alex shows Rob a picture of his gingerbread house. 亚力克斯给罗柏看了他盖的姜饼屋照片。
Rob tells him to enter the gingerbread house contest. 罗柏建议他参加姜饼屋竞赛,
People create neat houses for it. 许多人都会为那场竞赛盖出很漂亮的房子。
Abby looks at all the houses in the contest. 雅碧看了竞赛中的所有姜饼屋,
People can vote for their favorite one. 大家都可以投票选自己最喜欢的一栋。
But Alex wasn't the winner of the contest. 可是亚力克斯不是这个竞赛的优胜者,
A really fancy house won. 赢家是一栋非常华丽的房子。
That's OK. He can try again next year! 没关系, 他可以明年再试一次!
Conversation A 会话A
Did you finish your gingerbread house, Alex? 亚力克斯,你的姜饼屋盖好了吗?
Yes. 盖好了,
Do you want to see a picture? 你要看照片吗?
Sure. It looks great! 当然要。看起来很不错呢!
You should enter it in the contest. 你应该拿去参加比赛。
What contest? 什么比赛?
The Hansen Hotel has a gingerbread house contest every Christmas. 汉森饭店每年圣诞节都会举办姜饼屋大赛,
People create cool houses for it. 许多人都会为那场竞赛创作出很酷的房子。
Can I see them? 我可以看参赛作品吗?
Sure. You can see them at the hotel. 当然可以,你可以到那家饭店去看看。
Conversation B 会话B
Susie, are we doing a story on the Hansen Hotel Gingerbread House Contest? 苏希,我们要针对汉森饭店的姜饼屋竞赛作一篇报导吗?
Of course! I'm interviewing people at the hotel this afternoon. 当然要!我今天下午要去饭店访问民众。
I'm going, too. I want to see the houses. 我也要去, 我想看那些姜饼屋。
People can vote for their favorite one. 大家都可以投票选自己最喜欢的作品。
Vote for Alex's house. 投给亚力克斯的姜饼屋吧。
Did he enter the contest? 他有参加比赛吗?
He did. His house is great! 有,他的姜饼屋很棒很漂亮!
I'll look for it. 我会找找看。
Conversation C 会话C
I saw your gingerbread house at the hotel, Alex. 我在饭店看到了你的姜饼屋,亚力克斯,
What a neat house! 你的房子真漂亮!
Thanks, Abby. It was fun to make. 雅碧,谢谢妳的夸奖。盖姜饼屋很好玩。
Were you the winner of the contest? 你是这个比赛的冠军吗?
No. A really fancy house won. 不是,获胜的是一栋非常华丽的房子。
I saw that one. It was really good. 我看到了那一栋, 真的做得非常棒。
I looked at all the houses in the contest. 我看了竞赛中的所有作品,
Now I have ideas for next year. 现在我已经有明年参赛的点子了。
So maybe you'll win! 所以你说不定会赢喔!
We'll see! 到时候看看吧!