【大家说英语】 第315期:圣诞快乐!(在线收听

 Lesson 12 Holiday 第十二课 节日

December 24 12月24日
Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐!
Read it! 读读看!
Christmas is coming! 圣诞节就要来了!
Susie finished a report on Santa Claus. 苏希完成了一篇关于圣诞老公公的报导。
She talked to kids. 她访问了一些孩子,
Most asked for the usual things, but one asked for a maid! 大多数的小孩要求的都是寻常的礼物,可是有一个小孩想要女仆当礼物!
Alex has a real Christmas tree in his apartment. 亚力克斯在家里有一株真正的圣诞树,
He decorated it with ornaments and popcorn. 他用圣诞装饰品和爆玉米花妆点了那棵树。
Susie is lucky. 苏希很幸运,
Her neighbor gave her a big plate of Christmas cookies! 她的邻居给了她一大盘圣诞饼干!
Conversation A 会话A
Hey, Susie, did you finish your report on Santa Claus? 嘿,苏希,妳完成那篇关于圣诞老公公的报导了吗?
Yes. I talked to kids at the mall after they saw Santa. 完成了。我在购物中心等孩子们见过圣诞老公公之后访问了他们。
Did they take pictures with Santa? 他们有和圣诞老公公合照吗?
Of course! 当然有!
What did they ask Santa for? 他们向圣诞老公公要求什么礼物?
Most asked for the usual things like games and toys. 大多数的孩子要求的都是寻常的礼物,例如游戏和玩具。
But one boy asked for a maid to clean his room! 不过,有一个男孩想要一个女仆清理他的房间!
I'd like one, too! 我也想要一个女仆!
Conversation B 会话B
Are you ready for Christmas, Rob? 罗柏,你准备好迎接圣诞节了吗?
Almost. I need to mail a few more Christmas cards. 快准备好了,我还要再寄出几张圣诞卡。
I already mailed mine. 我的都已经寄出去了,
And I got a Christmas tree for my apartment. 而且我还为我的公寓买了一株圣诞树。
Good for you! Is it a real tree? 真有你的!是真的树吗?
Yes, it is. It smells really good! 是,是真的, 而且气味很香!
I know! Did you decorate it? 是啊!你有装饰那棵树吗?
Yes! I bought some ornaments. 有!我买了些圣诞装饰品,
And I put popcorn on it, too. 还在树上放了爆玉米花。
Conversation C 会话C
Do you have any gifts under your Christmas tree, Taylor? 泰乐,妳的圣诞树下有放礼物吗?
I do! My mom sent me a package, and so did my sister. 有!我妈寄了个包裹给我,还有我妹妹也寄了。
I'll open them on Christmas day. 我会在圣诞节当天把礼物打开。
What about you? 妳呢?
I have a couple of things under the tree, too. 我的树下也有一些礼物。
And my neighbor gave me a big plate of Christmas cookies. 我的邻居还给了我一大盘圣诞饼干。
Lucky you! I love Christmas cookies! 妳好幸运! 我最爱吃圣诞饼干了!
Me, too! 我也是!