【大家说英语】 第317期:寒冬保健(在线收听

 Lesson 13 Health 第十三课 健康

December 28 12月28日
Staying Healthy in Winter 寒冬保健
Read it! 读读看!
The weather is getting colder. 天气愈来愈冷,
Many people are getting sick. 许多人都生病了。
But Doctor Dave can help them stay healthy. 不过,戴夫医生可以帮助他们保持健康。
They should take vitamins every day. 他们应该每天服用维他命,
Vitamins keep the body strong. 维他命可以保持身体强壮。
Everyone should wear warm clothes too. 大家也都该穿温暖的衣服。
When someone feels sick, they should rest and go to a clinic. 如果觉得身体不舒服,就该多休息,并且去诊所检查。
The sooner someone sees a doctor, the better! 愈早看医生愈好!
They can give you medicine! 医生可以为你开药!
Conversation A 会话A
Welcome to the show, Doctor Dave. 戴夫医生,欢迎来到节目上。
Thanks, Rob! I'm happy to be here. 罗柏,谢谢!我很高兴能够来。
Dave, the weather is getting colder these days. 戴夫,这几天天气愈来愈冷了。
It is. Many people are getting sick. 没错,很多人都生病了。
We need some tips! 我们需要一些点子!
How can we stay healthy during winter? 在冬天要怎么保持健康?
Well, I can give you three tips. 这个嘛,我可以提供你三个要诀。
Conversation B 会话B
Great. What are your tips, Dave? 太好了。戴夫,你的要诀是什么呢?
First, take vitamins every day. 第一,每天服用维他命。
They help keep your body strong. 维他命有助于身体保持强壮。
Then maybe you won't get sick. 这样你可能就不会生病。
Right. Second, wear warm clothes. 没错。第二,穿温暖的衣服。
You need to stay warm in winter. 在冬天要保持温暖。
Everyone should wear winter clothes. 每个人都该穿上冬季保暖衣服。
That's not hard. I can do that! 这点不难, 我做得到!
Conversation C 会话C
Third, you should get enough sleep. 第三,你该有足够的睡眠。
If you feel sick, you should rest. 如果觉得身体不舒服,就该休息。
Should I go to a clinic? 我该去诊所吗?
Yes. The sooner you can see a doctor, the better! 要。愈早去看医生愈好!
They can give you medicine. 医生可以为你开药。
Wow. Thanks for those tips, Dave! 哇,戴夫,谢谢你提供的这些保健要诀!
You're welcome, Rob. I like to help people. 不客气,罗柏, 我喜欢帮助人。
Friends, remember Dave's tips. 各位朋友,别忘了戴夫提供的保健要诀,
That way you can stay healthy. 这样你就可以保持健康啰。