【大家说英语】 第319期:去滑雪吧!(在线收听

 Lesson 14 Sports 第十四课 运动

December 30 12月30日
Let's Go Skiing! 去滑雪吧!
Read it! 读读看!
Abby likes fresh snow. 雅碧喜欢刚下的雪。
It is pretty. 这种雪很美,
It can also be really fun! 也很好玩!
Abby likes making snowmen! 雅碧喜欢堆雪人!
Taylor is looking at the weather report for North Mountain. 泰乐正在看大北山的天气预报,
She wants to ski. 她想去滑雪。
Rob likes snowboarding. 罗柏喜欢玩单板滑雪,
Maybe they can go together. 也许他们可以一起去。
They can ask the others, too. 他们也可以问问别人要不要去,
Susie likes sledding. 苏希喜欢滑雪橇。
Don't worry, Susie. North Mountain has a sledding hill, too! 别担心,苏希,大北山也有雪橇坡道!
Conversation A 会话A
Hey, Abby. You're from Washington, D.C. 嘿,雅碧,妳是华府人。
Yes, I am! 没错!
Does Washington, D.C. get a lot of snow? 华府会下很多雪吗?
Yes. Sometimes it gets a lot of snow. 会,有时候华府会下很多雪。
Do you like it? 妳喜欢吗?
Of course. Fresh snow is so pretty. 当然喜欢。刚下的雪很美,
It can be really fun, too. 也非常好玩。
So you play in the snow? 所以妳会去玩雪?
Sure. I make snowmen! 当然啦,我会堆雪人!
Conversation B 会话B
Good morning, Taylor. 泰乐,早安。
Taylor? 泰乐?
Oh, sorry. Good morning, Rob. 哦,抱歉。罗柏,早安。
Are you OK? 妳还好吗?
Yes, I'm OK. 我没事,
I'm just looking at the weather report. 我只是在看天气预报而已。
Oh.Why? 喔,为什么?
I really want to ski. 我很想去滑雪,
There is lots of snow in the mountains. 现在山上下了很多雪。
I like snowboarding. 我喜欢玩单板滑雪。
Let's go together. 那我们一起去吧。
Yeah! Let's ask the others, too. 好啊!我们也来问问其他人。
Sure! We can all go skiing or snowboarding! 好!我们可以大家一起去滑雪或玩单板滑雪!
Conversation C 会话C
Hi, guys. What are you doing? 嗨,各位,你们在做什么?
Hi, Rob. We're talking about the weekend. 嗨,罗柏,我们在讨论这个周末要做什么。
Do you guys like skiing or snowboarding? 你们喜欢滑雪或单板滑雪吗?
I don't know. 我不知道,
But I want to try them! 可是我想尝试看看!
Taylor and I are going to North Mountain on Saturday. 泰乐和我星期六要去大北山,
Come with us. 和我们一起去吧。
I like skiing. 我喜欢滑雪,
But I like sledding more. 可是我更喜欢滑雪橇。
That's fine! 那也很好玩!
North Mountain has a sledding hill. 大北山也有雪橇坡道。
OK! Let's go! 好!我们一起去吧!