【大家说英语】 第322期:飞行之梦(在线收听

 Before there were airplanes, people dreamed of flying. 在飞机出现之前,人们就已经梦想着飞行了。

They told stories about flying people. 他们讲述有关飞翔的人的故事。
One old story is about a young man named Icarus. 有一则关于一个名叫的伊卡洛斯年轻人的古老的故事。
He and his father wanted to get away from a bad king. 他和他的父亲想要从一个残暴的国王手中逃脱。
So Icarus' father made wings, and they used them to fly away. 因此,伊卡洛斯的父亲制作了翅膀,他们便借此飞走了。
Years ago, people also tried to make flying machines. 多年之前,有人也尝试着制作飞行机器。
Most of them did not work. But today, flying is not just a dream. 不过大多数的机器都没有成功。但是今天,飞行已经不再是一个梦想了。
Today, big airlines carry many passengers. 现如今,大型飞机可以运载许多乘客。
But some people enjoy flying in small planes. 但是一些人则喜欢搭乘小型飞机。
In 2014, a young man flew around the world. 2014年,一名年轻男子完成了环球航行。
His name is Matt Guthmiller. 他的名字叫做马特·加斯敏勒。
He was only 19 years old, but he flew by himself. 当时他年仅19岁,但是却独自飞行。
His trip took six weeks. He stopped 25 times in 14 countries. 他的旅行持续了六周。其间在14个国家停留了25次。
He is the youngest person to fly around the world. 他是最年轻的飞行环游世界的人。
Many people now dream of flying into space. 许多人现在都梦想着在太空中飞翔。
And their dreams may soon come true. 而他们的梦想,也许马上就能实现了。
Many companies are building space planes. 许多公司正在研发太空飞机。
They will take people on short flights to space. 这些飞机可以搭载着人们,进行短程的太空飞行。
Space tourism will be expensive at first. 太空旅游在一开始会很昂贵。
But over time, it should become much cheaper. 但是随着时间的推移,应该会变得更加便宜。
Then more people's dreams of flying will come true. 到了那时候,更多人的飞行之梦就会实现了。